7 simple DIY Christmas stocking filler ideas that fit the budget

7 simple DIY Christmas stocking filler ideas that fit the budget
7 simple DIY Christmas stocking filler ideas that fit the budget

The twinkling lights and merry music are drawing Christmas ever closer, and while thoughts are turning to gifts, the budget is stretched for most after a challenging year. To make sure everyone still gets the special Christmas they deserve, the Laager Rooibos elves have compiled a useful list of easy-to-make Christmas stocking fillers that are both practical and budget-friendly.

“This year we’re seeing people looking for really creative ways to show appreciation for their loved ones without coming across as the fabled scrooge!” said Laager Rooibos Marketing Manager, Candice Sessions. “The drive is to support local and to adopt a healthier attitude towards finances as well as our physical selves. The Laager Rooibos team has taken this on board in compiling a Christmas stocking filler list that shows some real heart.”

1. Personalised decoration
With just a bit of crafting skill, it’s possible to create a really stunning Christmas ornament that can adorn the tree in 2021. This can be done by creating a decoration out of anything from clay or glass through to cardboard and pine cones. Alternatively, a bauble can be personalised with a bit of paint, while clear baubles can have an image or treasured memento placed inside.

2. 2021 Calendar
This can come in a manner of formats, but certainly a popular option is the flip calendar which consists of three sections – day, date and month – with an additional section for personalised photographs as well. There are also many great online programmes that allow users to create a personalised wall calendar to print out.

3. Unique mask
Mask wearing will most certainly continue into 2021, and with everyone getting bored of their existing styles and designs, this is the perfect time to get creative and make a customised mask for a loved one. There are many great patterns online – it’s just important to ensure the mask is constructed from the right fabric for long-time wear.

4. Sanitiser solution
Another uniquely 2020 stocking filler is the DIY hand sanitiser solution that is quick and very practical. It’s vital to follow the ingredient list from a reputable source, such as the World Health Organization (www.who.int), and then add in a customised essential oil mix to personalise the concoction. It’s also possible to follow a basic solution format and customise the bottle with a graphic and special message.

5. A tea treat
A flavourfully festive stocking filler for the tea lover is a selection of Laager Rooibos tea packs – the Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry Rooibos, with its festive flavours and colours, is most certainly the first-prize Yuletide choice. Otherwise, include a rainbow selection of Laager Rooibos flavours to end the year on a heart-healthy note.

6. Fridge magnets
This is a delightfully easy yet endearing stocking filler gift that allows for a lot of creativity. Anything can be converted into a useful fridge magnet – pebbles, bottle lids, pegs, coins or even Lego pieces. Add a heart-warming photo to make it a keepsake for the years ahead.

7. Recipe book
After months of baking and recipe testing, many people have drastically improved their culinary skills in lockdown! Why not share the knowledge by creating a recipe book that features a selection of household favourites. Laager Rooibos has a number of great Rooibos-based recipes for a uniquely South African flavour (www.joekels.co.za/blogs/rooibos-recipes). Below is a taster of what can be included.

Laager Rooibos Cosmopolitan
40g vodka
15g Cointreau
15g fresh lime juice
30g Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry flavoured Rooibos, cooled
15g cranberry juice

ADD: Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry flavoured Rooibos ice cubes
· To make the ice cubes, pour cooled Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry flavoured Rooibos tea into ice tray and freeze.
· Pour all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice.
· Shake until the metal shaker becomes ice cold on the outside.
· Pour into glasses
· Garnish with fresh lime and cranberries / cherries.


Cranberry & Wild Cherry Rooibos Pudding
1 ½ cups cooked rice
2 cups Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry flavoured Rooibos-infused milk, divided
¼ tsp salt
2/3 cup dried cranberries
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup white sugar
1 Tbls butter
½ tsp Vanilla essence

· To infuse milk, bring the milk to a simmer with 4-6 Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry teabags for 5-7 minutes. Strain milk and completely cool down.
· Combine rice and 1 1/2 cups milk and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir till creamy and thick for 15-20 minutes. Stir in the remaining milk, cranberries, beaten egg and white sugar into the rice mixture.
· Stir till combined.
· Continue to cook (for 2-3 minutes) until the egg is set.
· Remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla essence. Mix till combined.

Competition time!
To make this Christmas even more festive, Laager Rooibos is giving away a beautifully rustic Laager stocking and a case of Laager Cranberry & Wild Cherry Rooibos to one lucky person! Simply visit the ‘Laager Rooibos’ Facebook page to enter.

For more information about Joekels’ products, or to find some other exciting recipes, visit www.joekels.co.za. For more recipe ideas, follow Laager Rooibos ambassadors @withlovefromthetwins and @LaagerRooibos on Facebook