10 Powerful Habits Of Successful People

When do you think about world leaders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and celebrities, what personality traits come to mind? You might struggle to see the similarities in certain cases and wonder about the seemingly mysterious formula for achievement. As it turns out, the mindset you adopt and the daily habits you practice are probably the most important determinants of success. Here are ten things that just may transform your life, no matter what your career goal.

1. Efficient use of time

See time as the limited commodity it is, and only engage in things that interest you or help with your overall goals (including your compassionate goals, of course—using your time efficiently doesn’t have to mean being utterly selfish). Say “no” to requests from those who try to take advantage or drain your resources, and do what you can to limit procrastination. For example, using an app that prevents you from accessing time-wasting sites during the day can help you get the most out of your work hours.

2. Impressive presentation

According to research in psychology, you will earn the respect and confidence of others more easily if you dress well and take care of your appearance. Although appearances can be very misleading, this doesn’t stop others from assuming that a well-dressed individual is reliable, morally upstanding and successful. This is called the “Halo Effect” and you can take advantage of it by consistently doing your best to look neat, tidy and clean.

3. Positivity

A huge number of studies now show a strong connection between a positive outlook and a better life. Optimistic people live longer, are less likely to become depressed, cope with stress more effectively and are less likely to die from heart disease. Successful people try to think positively in all circumstances, and overcome challenges more quickly as a result. To boost your own positivity, try keeping a gratitude journal or saying positive affirmations in the morning.

4. Formulation of specific, achievable goals

Plenty of people fail to set any goals, and those who do will often choose enormous, nebulous goals that feel pleasant to contemplate but aren’t really linked to a plan of action. For example, you might tell yourself you want to “get fit”—a more effective goal might be “lose 10 pounds by the end of next month” or “be able to run non-stop for an hour by fall of this year.” Once achieved, these specific goals can be replaced with other small goals on the road to overall success.

5. Moving beyond the comfort zone

Being successful requires a willingness to endure discomfort in the name of personal growth. Regularly ask yourself whether you’re currently feeling stretched or challenged, and if you’re not then think of something new and more difficult you can try to do. You’ll become stronger, more confident and more skilled as a result.

6. Awareness that perfection doesn’t exist

When you think about your biggest dreams, you might catch yourself thinking that you need to wait for the perfect moment before taking action. It’s natural to feel this way when something is so important to you. However, there’s no such thing as the “right moment”—make that moment for yourself, and start today if you want to get the most out of your life.Powerful Habits Of Successful People.jpg

7. Willingness to take responsibility

People at the top have typically acquired the skill of looking inwards and accepting their own faults. If you don’t take ownership of your mistakes or the gaps in skills, you’ll never learn how to better achieve your goals. It’s tempting to fall for the deceptive thought that someone else is always responsible for any difficulties you encounter, but you’ll get much further if you accept responsibility for yourself and then work hard to make the changes you need in your life.

8. Ability to learn from mistakes

If you want to be successful, you also need to be able to pick yourself up and carry on after things don’t go to plan. View every difficulty or failure as a chance to learn something important that improves your future changes of succeeding, and don’t allow yourself to dwell on the feelings of shame or regret associated with making mistakes.

9. Interest in lifelong learning

Accomplished people know that they can’t just rest on their laurels, even when they have significant achievements under their belt. While you should allow yourself to feel proud of what you’ve done, always be mindful of the potential to become better, and recognize that there’s always more to learn. Read as much as you can, take the opportunity to join new classes or professional development seminars, and listen to the wise people you meet.

10. Supportive social network

Finally, successful people deliberately surround themselves with those who inspire them, offer support and have a similarly positive outlook. Being around people who are relentlessly negative drains you of hope and confidence, while associating with those who are also ambitious and bold will spur you on to make the best of yourself.

Author Bio: Johan Olers is a resident writer for News Web Zone