Benefits of SEO and Google Adwords

Benefits of SEO and Google Adwords


Online marketing is one of the most effective methods of promoting your business on the Internet today. The two most important include Search Engine Optimization and Google Adwords.

 What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine optimization is the means of ranking naturally high on Google for keywords targeted towards your business. There are two ways of implementing SEO:

  1. On Page SEO and
  2. Off Page SEO.
  1. On Page SEO inlcudes optimizing a website so Google better understands what the website is about and what it is specifically offering. These generally apply to the Meta Titles, Content and Structure of a site.
  2. Off Page SEO includes smart and careful execution of building links from other sites to your website. Backlinks are essential to ranking high on Google, but they must be done in a specific way to work properly.

 What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords works on a Pay-Per-Click basis. Every time your advert appears on Google and someone clicks on your Advert, you will be charged for that click. The cost of the click are determined by the competition. It works exactly like an auction, the more businesses are bidding for keywords, the more likely they will be expensive.


Here are important factors to consider when implementing Search Engine Optimization:

  1. Organic Rankings Appear on Google throughout the day and night- Organic rankings maintain their position, while Google Adwords rankings disappear once the daily budget has reached its limit.
  1. Organic rankings are more trusted than Google Adwords-  People trust organic rankings which have a positive impact on conversions.
  1. Receive more traffic and pay less- Successful SEO implementation can give thousands of targeted website visitors for an affordable monthly rate.


Here are vital elements to consider when implementing Google Adwords:

  1. Google Adwords delivers Instant traffic. SEO campaigns can take over a year before a client starts to reap the benefits. You can launch a Google Adword campaign within a day and start receiving inquiries immediately.
  2. Google Adwords receive Top Positions on Google. Google Ads are displayed above the organic rankings, so people are more likely to see and click on the Google Adverts.
  3. Google Adverts have Extensions. These are like Add Ons on your ads. You can add a contact number or even your physical address so people could contact you directly from the advert or even use Google Maps to find your business.


Seo and Google Adwords are the best means of promoting your business online. Social Media Marketing is effective in maintaining existing clients, but if you are looking for new customers, advertising on Google is the most effective way to go.

Our SEO company provides advanced and affordable SEO and Google Adword Services. We are located in Johannesburg and we have assisted clients with their Google rankings since March 2013. Our online marketers have passed the necessary courses and examinations to implement effective Internet Marketing. Contact us today for a Free Quote.