8 On-Page SEO Tips to Improve Rankings

8 On-Page SEO Tips to Improve Rankings

In today’s business environment, local search engine optimization has become essential. It’s a tactic used by companies looking to draw clients into their neighborhood markets. Traditional SEO broadens a website’s reach across the nation or globe, however Local on-page SEO targets nearby areas. Companies that use local SEO might appear in local search results when a customer searches for products in a particular place. It boosts recognition and attracts more consumers to your store, be it online or offline, which promotes growth and income. On-page SEO is advantageous for companies that rely on local customers for sales. An SEO agency can implement effective on-page local SEO strategies to improve the search engine ranking of your website and attract more local customers to your business.

We’ll talk about practical local SEO strategies for on-page optimization in this blog post. These strategies can improve your website’s search engine ranks and draw in more local customers for your company.

Practical Tips to Increase Local SEO Rankings

Follow these tips to improve rankings with local search engine optimization:

Optimise Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions and title tags aid search engines in comprehending your web pages. Customers may also be convinced by them to click over from the search results to your website.

Title tags are what consumers and search engines see first, thus they’re essential to on-page local SEO. Add your city or region to your title tag. Also, add your main keyword as this will make it more optimized.

Meta descriptions are not directly related to increased rankings, however they affect click-through rates. They achieve this by giving consumers a concise synopsis of the page. They accomplish this by providing users with a brief overview of the page. To attract local search traffic, add local keywords to your meta descriptions and do this as you would with title tags.

Go for 150–160 characters to ensure the full description appears. Give a summary of the page’s contents and user expectations and highlight your company’s unique selling points. Include a call to action as it should entice visitors to take the next step.

Include Keywords in the Content 

Search engines can ascertain how relevant your business is to the neighborhood by employing this strategy. They can then put you in touch with local customers. Decide which terms people are most likely to use to search for services in your area before you start.

Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner to determine the local keyword. Keep an eye out for long-tail keywords that include your city or region’s name. Refer to these keywords in your content’s headline, introduction, and conclusion paragraphs.

Use Schema Markup

One kind of microdata you can include in the HTML of your website to provide search engines more context is Schema Markup. Use the LocalBusiness Schema type to add local business schema markup to your website. This is specifically designed for local businesses. You can choose a more specific schema depending on your business type. For example, if you own a restaurant, you can choose Schema Restaurant. 

Gather all the important data about your company which includes the address and phone number. It also has the website URL, business hours, geocoordinates, services, and client feedback. Google recommends using JSON-LD which adds schema markup to your HTML. Use them to check for errors in your schema markup. Make sure your schema markup is up to date by checking it frequently, especially if your company’s information changes.

Optimise GMB Listing

To get the most from your Google My Business Listing, make sure every field in the GMB profile is accurate and filled out. This section includes the following details. They are business name, address, phone number, website, category, description, and operating hours. Use great photos and videos in your content. They will boost engagement and improve how clients see your business.

Use your company sign and a visually appealing cover photo that represents your brand to achieve this. To establish a personal connection with customers, show them your business’s exterior and inside, emphasize its most popular services, and introduce its employees. 

Encourage Customer Reviews

In local city SEO, customer reviews help build trust and credibility with potential customers. Here, timing is most crucial, choose moments when the customers are most satisfied with your service or product. You can ask for a review right after a customer makes a purchase and expresses satisfaction.

Simplify the process of review to motivate clients to provide feedback. Give explicit directions on how to post a review, along with a direct link to your review page. QR codes are also a great medium for customers to leave a quick review. 

Additionally, use social media channels to encourage reviews. Simply text your loyal customers to provide reviews or create posts asking followers to leave reviews. Highlight positive reviews to encourage others to leave their feedback.

Build Local Backlinks

Local backlinks indicate to search engines that your company is an essential member of the community by originating from websites that are geographically connected to it. Firstly get listed in local directories by joining your local chamber of commerce and submitting your business to local business directories. Establishing relationships with other local businesses can lead to valuable backlink opportunities. So, partner with complementary businesses for joint promotions and ask local businesses to include your business on their resource pages. 

Local influencers can provide powerful backlinks, so send your product to local bloggers for review and invite influencers to local events you are hosting. Get involved in community projects or initiatives and gain mentions and links from local news sites. 


To sum up, businesses should prioritize local on-page SEO optimization because it can increase your website’s exposure in local search results and draw in more local clients. Include local keywords into your content to improve your website’s relevance for local searches and incorporate words organically into your writing. Implement local business schema markup to provide search engines with detailed information enhancing your search visibility. Complete and regularly update your GMB profile to ensure accurate information and actively seek reviews from satisfied customers. Last but not least, acquire backlinks from local businesses, influencers, and media to enhance local relevance.