11 tips to write an awesome blog on a digital marketing topic

Blog writing is an important component of the digital marketing world. Lots of authors write on the topics related to digital marketing such as SEO, PPC, Content or Analytics. Most people who write blogs are generally related to this field and having vast experience of work. The aim of the blog should not only be to inform the reader but to also make them aware of the services provided by your company

How to write an awesome digital marketing blog?

In order to stand out from other blogs, you need to be updated with the new trends in the industry and also write in an interesting manner.

Here are few tips for writing an awesome blog:

1. Write on latest topics: We live in a world, where every passing day something new is happening. You should gather as much information as you can on the latest topics. Go through reviews as to know how well that technology upgrade has gone with the users. If possible get into every fine detail by using the newly launched service yourself.

2. Research well: Once you have decided the topic, you should do some thorough research and go ahead only when sufficient information has been collected. There are various websites which you can browse to collect details or even write your own experiences. The process to research on a topic can be a bit time taking. Please make sure that the website you are referring to is relevant and has complete information. There are many websites which publish irrelevant content, try avoiding those.

3. Use simple language: The reader can be from any location. Some are in comfort with the English language where as others are not. It is not always that the reader will be knowing the complete English vocabulary. Try to combine words which are of day to day use. You can write short sentences, this will make sentences less complex and easier to understand.

4. Check on user’s query: There are numerous queries which remain unanswered on the internet. While researching for the topic, you can check on online forum’s to see those specific queries. The answers to the queries can be written on the blog. It will make the blog more useful and relevant. You can also go through comments on online forums and take hints on what the users are answering on that topic.

5. Insert links: You need to be careful while inserting links. The websites which you refer should be secure and having a good rank on the SERP. Try inserting at least 2 external links. Don’t overdo as it might become a type of spam. Also, check the words on which you insert the link. The group of words should be directly related to the content available on the link.

6. Include an infographic: It is always said that images speak louder than words. It assists a powerful piece of content in becoming better. It is important to create an infographic which not only looks attractive but also provides sufficient information. It should cover an important part of the blog. There are various applications and websites which can be used for making an attractive infographic. Try to make it eye catching by including graphics, images and colorful fonts.

7. Insert authorized statistics: Well, inserting statistics of a survey or a research is good for the blog but it should be validated as well. There are numerous statistics available on the websites. All the stats which you mention should be latest. Old statistics are generally not that useful. For eg. If you are talking about a financial year profitability. It should be of last financial year. Do check the numbers of the stat from other websites as well.

8. Relate with the reader: The blog should always be interactive and the usage of word ‘you’ here can be quite useful. When we write by inserting the word ‘you’, the reader gets more interested and can relate to it an easier manner. It is better if you can put real life examples to explain complex topics.

9. Insert screenshots: If you are writing a blog in which there are steps to be mentioned, screenshots will help in making it look better. The reader would actually know how to proceed further when using a new function. For Eg. When a new function related to Google Ads is explained. The steps you write from logging in to Google Ads till the time last step of that comes. Each and every step should be there with screenshots just below it.

10. Write using bullet points: There are numerous blog which have good content. It’s not just about good content but what actually matters is how you present it. If content is written point wise, then it will get better rankings on the SERP. Also, the users will have convenience in reading it. They can read important points and get quick information through it.

11. Choose a nice headline: It all comes down to a catchy headline. Writing a headline such as ’10 ways on how to rank your website on top’ works well. There are lot of users who choose to search on Google by typing ‘How to’ and then add their query. Adding a number in the headline also creates curiosity and the traffic on the blog increases.


It is quite easy to write a blog if you put time and effort on it. I have discussed on some tips which can help you create an awesome blog. The more simple it is in terms of language, better are the chances of it becoming popular. Adding keywords can also help but stuffing them unnecessarily can hamper the flow of writing. Try to connect sentences with each other. Use examples and explain it well. It is better if your blog is not only informative but also helps the reader.

Trust your instincts, go with the flow and create a brilliant piece of blog. Think twice and check thrice before you write. You will surely climb the ladder up and high.

Author Bio: Saurabh Shanker is the founder of Outsource SEM, Outsourcesem.com is a digital marketing company which provides SEM, SEO, Analytics and web development services. He is a marketing technologist, specializing in user engagement and performance based campaigns.