What’s ConnectAutomate


Through online advertisements, companies have transformed their profits from average to extraordinary. Facebook is one such platform that has empowered companies to reach more potential customers and convert these clients into prospective leads.

Facebook ads have become popular recently, and business owners are aware of this.
Companies have been utilizing the ConnectAutomate cloud-based platform to transform their posts into powerful marketing ads. ConnectAutomate is a cloud platform that is the latest integration to the Connect.io applications.

The platform works by enhancing your Facebook advertisements to improve and promote your online presence as a company or organization.

ConnectAutomate is an advanced tool that monitors, controls, and updates your Facebook ads once you set it depending on the trends of Facebook Insight’s information.

Benefits That Make ConnectAutomate Exceptional

1. It Optimizes Your Ads

The platform allows your ads to be viewed by the right target audience. In addition, the application will enable you to automate the process of boosting your advertisements without being there physically. Consequently, the app utilizes Facebook’s Insights combined with Facebook’s Ad manager to produce the highest conversion rate for your ads.

2. It Saves You Precious Time

As specified above, ConnectAutomate is automated. As a result, your manual work will not be required to boost your ads. Undoubtedly, you will have more time for other crucial tasks in your company.

3. Your Ads Always Target The Right Niche

ConnectAutomate will ensure that the right audience sees the right ads. As a consequence, you will not have to panic because of hot or cold leads as the application will address the right target. Addressing the right target increases your odds of landing potential clients.

Setting Up Your Campaign With ConnectAutomate Developing your campaign is a 4-step procedure that involves the following:

  1. Boost Conditions – In this step, you select your Facebook page, specify the type of post, your filter options, time frame, and the number of posts to promote.
  2. Campaign Settings – Secondly, you define your ad account, your ad aims/objectives, and your ad campaign name.
  3. Adset Settings – In the third step, your purpose is optimizing your goal, specifying your target niche, setting your adset name, setting your duration, and budget.
  4. Rule Setting – Finally, this setting allows you to set a name for your rule set. In addition, you decide here whether you want to receive e-mail prompts once a new campaign has been generated.

Features of ConnectAutomate

  1. The application is compatible with the Facebook platform and fully complies with Facebook TAO.
  2. The ConnectAutomate program is user-friendly and easy to master the art of using it.
  3. The program updates automatically to incorporate new developments and security features.
  4. ConnectAutomate has an auto-optimize feature that maximizes your Facebook conversions through assessment of the performance of past posts/ads.
  5. The application is cloud-based meaning you can access it with any device that is connected to the internet.
  6. The platform has simple menu designs that make it easier for use by non-tech people.

Cons of ConnectAutomate

Being the only tool in the market currently, ConnectAutomate has very few shortcomings. These are:

  • You will take some time to get used to its interface.
  • Some Facebook posts are long, and converting them into ads will take some time.

However, the ConnectAutomate application has been designed to take care of these issues.

Given these points, it is crucial to utilize ConnectAutomate to boost your Facebook advertisements. Who knows? ConnectAutomate could be the trigger that might keep your business strides ahead of its competitors.