What Is Quit 9 To 5 Academy?

Only a handful of employees are usually contented with the time they’re left with in a day, after serving their respective companies and/or employers. In fact, if there’s chance, everyone would just love to stay at home while earning, wouldn’t they?

Okay, stories aside, lemme connect the above fact with my topic if the name doesn’t hint you about what it is. Allow me break it into three as:

  1. Quit.
  2. 9 to 5.
  3. Academy.

You know what quit is ~ abandon. 9 to 5 means 9am to 5pm ~ the times that represents when one reports to job and when s/he leaves, respectively. So, you “quit the 9am to 5 pm job”, but through an Academy. The academy here means an course that gives you the guidelines on how to quit the aforementioned job. In brief, Quit 9 to 5 Academy is a comprehensive online course that is created to help you earn quick cash online through digital marketing. Just that? No, read on…

Who Created It?

We really expect only experienced merchants in the online industry to be behind such a course. That’s exactly what is there. Two experts: Mark Ling and Nick Torson are the victims. They’re reputed entrepreneurs, who started from scratch. Their online business success story is long and based on hard work and perseverance. Their generosity is what pushes them to share this information, so as to help fellow online merchants with budding as well as no online businesses.

How Much Does It Cost?

This can sometimes be the first question just after grokking what what really Quit 9 to 5 Academy is. All in all, the cost is either a one-time fee of $2500 or a 6-times payment of $499, which amounts to $2,994, supposedly due to the time value of money. There are also other payment plans available. The duo also promises a 100% money back guarantee to all customers on case one isn’t contented with the results.

Who Does It Suit Best?

Any online entrepreneur with a dream to take his/her business to the next level with increased earnings but less efforts. Who can’t this be? Absolutely no one.

What’s Inside The Quit 9 to 5 Academy?

The course is loaded with 6 modules and lots of guide videos to help it be more comprehensive. There’s a team of staff who’re always there, ready to support you. So if you’ve got any question, you’ll just forward it to the team and give them some time to tackle it and give you the response. Lastly but not least, you can always learn for up to 20 hours a day! The team is active for all this long!

Is It Worthwhile?

Remember the least price? The one-time $2,500 payment for the course? That’s what we’re asking whether the course is worth. If the money back guarantee is valid, then the course is worth. After all, the subscriber/student will have nothing to lose. If the money back guarantee isn’t valid, everything will depend on whether or not the course yields something sufficient to repay the buying price within a short period of time.

Bottom Line.

We’re hopeful that you got the right information that you needed. Good luck pals!