Two Ways to Increase Followers

Two Ways to Increase Followers
Two Ways to Increase Followers

Have you ever imagined that you can choose a profession called an influencer and earn much money with it?

How can you make money on Instagram or any social media? What is the first step, and how can we start?

However, people who are relatively lazy and lazy to read/understand the sea of ​​information, justify themselves with the following phrases:

 “I do not know English”, “I do not understand Java and another language”, “I can not spend much time with the computer”, “I do not know how to write articles”, “Such a job probably requires good computer knowledge”, etc.

 First, let us state these facts:

 Knowledge of a foreign language is not required for internet marketing.

Knowledge of programming language is not required at all.

You will have to spend a lot of time with the computer (however, with proper time management and online business development, this time will be minimally disputed)

No one is born as a writer, we all slowly develop our skills.

What level you need to know the computer: you need to know how to turn the computer on and off, use the keyboard (for printing) and mouse (for opening the browser and general navigation),

However, after reading this, no one will sit down and say:

Yes, this is right, let me sit down now, start blogging from the first week and create my first site!

 That is why we offer some tips and tricks on how to increase your Instagram followers and it all requires minimal knowledge.

 And whether it is time-consuming or not, you decide.

What you should focus on:

 -What we are considering:

-How to develop an account

-How to make money on Instagram

-Relationship with brands

How to make money with social media?

Item  1: How to Develop an Instagram Account

Growing an account is the most difficult process that requires the most attention and iron nerves.

 We have to make the most of our creativity to gather a large number of followers.

 Account Development Key?

 Growing an account does not have to be complicated and tiring, the main thing is to be noticed by the right people.

 Yeah, it should be easy in theory. What I have to do is tell someone to like my pictures, comment, and post them. I will achieve the result very soon!

 Okay, let’s stop here for a moment. 

 First, let’s get rid of a few steps:

 Content Selection – Comedy, Fitness, Travel, Food, Cars, and Luxury Living Convert Well to Instagram

Account Name – Think of a good name and avoid names like “the coolest travel page in the whole world” as much as possible

Sign up for Instagram

Upload some relevant images.

For profile development, do not give advice such as “Post cool content and your followers will show up”.

 We do not expect a chance, we create it ourselves.

 Ok, maybe you know how you should create your personal and special page, but now you need followers to start your business with social media. There are two ways to have followers.

You can start with the hard but free strategy: Follow and Unfollow. We go to 7,500 Following and start doing Unfollow. Besides, we upload at least 3 pictures daily, with relevant hashtags and captions, for example, “tag or mention your 3 friends”.

Of course, we do not steal followers from every second profile. We need to find popular profiles relevant to our niche, whose followers and “picture likes” we will post.

 And another way is easier but you need to spend money. Since there’s already so much content available on this platform, it has become difficult to tell someone to like your pictures or follow your account. It’s one of the reasons why some users decide to buy Instagram followers when they are just starting to maximize their reach.

Anyway, from these two ways of gaining followers, you can decide which one is better for you based on how much time you have to promote your account, how much money you can spend on promotion, how many followers you already have and many other factors.  

When you have up to 20,000 followers, if you can no longer afford to continue the Follow-Unfollow process, you can quit because 20,000 followers are enough to monetize your profile.

If you invest a little, you can buy any packages and sponsor your page (you can automate Follow-Unfollow and a few more processes).

 Item  2: How to Make Money on social media

The main way to make money on Instagram is to sell something. But nowadays you don’t even need to have an online business on Instagram to generate revenue. That’s why most users don’t use this social network just to share their photos with family and friends. Most users strive to become influencers. 

Influencers with many followers are asked to post specific content for a specific fee. 

Prices per hour range from $ 1-1,200 ($ 1,200 is the maximum I have encountered).

The price of the show is determined by the number of followers, the number of likes and comments on the pictures, and the amount of time requested by Subject # 1 

Item 3: Relationships with Brands

When you develop your profile at a sufficient level, you will connect with brands and sometimes some brands will contact you.

Offer collaboration, for example:

In exchange for this amount, I will post pictures of your hotel and give positive feedback.

I will post pictures of your fitness center for a free membership.

Influencers not only get money but free products, as well. For example, clothes, skins and hair care products, etc.


With practice, your knowledge of this platform and how to use it to promote yourself will increase significantly. The potential of Instagram is limitless and if used properly, it can generate very large revenue.

Information provided by Socialwick.