Guy Galboiz’s Best Online Marketing Strategies for Startups

In 2018, if you are not actively marketing your business on the internet, you are simply leaving money on the table. Online marketing is becoming more and more important with each passing day as everything is going digital and any company or business that doesn’t have an online presence is deemed irrelevant. But, there is a problem that most face; online marketing often comes off as complicated and daunted. Even the most focused and dedicated entrepreneurs and businesses can be deterred from implementing a plan for online marketing due to these problems. It is true that marketing has undergone a rapid chance. In fact, it is said that marketing has changed more in two years than in the last 50 years.

These days, most startups are aware of the importance of online marketing if they want to make their way into the market and stay there for a long time. However, as per [] Guy Galboiz, not all the weapons these marketers have in their arsenals are equally effective. Some of the online marketing techniques manage to hit the bulls-eye, but there are also those that don’t even come close. There is no single marketing strategy that will help in boosting your business. According to Guy Galboiz, a combination of these strategies can be quite effective for startups:

  • Email Marketing

A couple of years ago, there had been a lot of predictions in the marketing world about the death of email marketing. But, these have turned out to be untrue because emails are still around. As a matter of fact, this marketing is delivering a substantial return on investment (ROI) to marketers. Statistics show that it can offer an ROI that’s four times higher than that of other online marketing strategies. Obviously, every startup wants to see this kind of return and the best part is that you don’t have to break the bank in order to implement an email marketing campaign.

Since email marketing is highly effective, brands need to learn how to harness its true power and create an engaging, crisp email copy. If you want your campaign to be successful, you need to start with the subject line of the email and ensure it is engaging, catchy and benefit-rich. It is advised by Guy Galboiz to not use any jargon in your email and it is better to go with persuasive and plain language. Subheadings and bullets also come in handy because they can break up the text and make it easier to take in. Make sure the email includes the benefits you will offer and optimize it for mobile devices.

  • Social Media Marketing

It is a known fact that social media has become one of the most powerful tools for online marketing these days. 90% marketers have revealed that social media marketing is integral for their businesses and 89% of them have revealed that social media strategies have helped them in generating leads and exposure. Guy Galboiz states that this is the second most important online marketing method for startups because it can be vital for generating traffic and giving them exposure. They can create a loyal customer base, generate leads and improve their search engine rankings. Not only does it increase sales, but is also useful in establishing thought leadership.

These benefits have motivated a lot of businesses, both new and existing to use social media marketing, but some also make mistakes that can be very costly. Guy Galboiz recommends that you avoid these mistakes by choosing the correct social media channel for your business and then develop a strategy accordingly. Just because one business is achieving huge success thanks to Facebook and Instagram doesn’t mean you will to. Twitter might be more suitable for you. It all boils down to the channel your potential customers use. Do your research and figure out where your audience is before you start marketing.

Also, when you have chosen a channel, make sure you create a customer persona first and then devise a social media marketing strategy.

  • Pay-Per-Click Marketing

This method involves using search engine advertising to direct traffic to your website. PPC is regarded as a powerful online marketing tool that has the ability of generating sales-ready leads. Guy Galboiz strongly emphasizes that no startup should ignore the importance of Pay-Per-Click advertising. It can offer some very practical advantages such as control over how much marketing budget you want to have, not having to wait for results, insights and data that can be used for polishing other online marketing strategies and high return on investment (ROI) because payment only has to be made when interested parties click. With the right ad and at the right time, you can reach your customers.

  • Search Engine Optimization

Guy Galboiz has said it right; when you make a website with a great design and create service pages for all that you have, you obviously expect visitors to come to it. Unluckily, this is not something that happens in most cases because there are hundreds of websites in every niche. So, how will your website come on top when potential customers search for keywords related to your business? This is where a decisive role is played by Search Engine Optimization. Not only does SEO increase traffic to your website, Guy Galboiz asserts that it can also aid in building trust.

If your website ranks high in search engine results when keywords relevant to your business have been searched by your potential customers, it will give an impressive that you are a reputable firm. Thus, search engine optimization is crucial for every startup. You just have to follow the best practices and hire a good SEO company to avoid committing the pitfalls associated with it.

  • Influencer Marketing

This is a new online marketing trend, which is catching on really fast nowadays. A study revealed that more that 80 percent of marketers were planning to launch an influencer marketing campaign in the next few months. Marketing experts, including Guy Galboiz, regard influencer marketing to be highly effective, especially for startups that wish to grow their brands. One of the best things about this particular online marketing strategy is that as compared to traditional marketing channels, it can be quite inexpensive. In simple terms, it involves businesses hiring influencers, who have a large following, to advertise your products and services.

There are a wide array of reasons why adopting influencer marketing can benefit a startup. Firstly, most people have become immune to traditional marketing channels as they have been exposed to them. Influencer marketing can be implemented easily as opposed to other forms of marketing and it is also less expensive. You can build trust for your products and brand through the word-of-mouth aspect that’s inherent in influencer marketing. The authenticity of influencers will also drive potential customers to engage with your brand.

If you are just starting your business, you will not be able to rope in the top influencers. Guy Galboiz recommends that you should look for micro-influencers and you will see a big difference, as long as it is effectively executed.

  • Content Marketing

Whether you are working in the B2B (business-to-business) market or the B2C (business-to-customers) market, content marketing has become vital for everyone in today’s competitive market. Almost every business has employed some form of content marketing in their overall online marketing plan because it will simply not be complete without it. Content marketing involves following the different stages of your customer’s journey and creating useful content that the target audience will love to read along the way as it will solve their problems. This can eventually be useful in building trust and increasing your conversion rates.

Adopting content marketing strategies can be immensely beneficial for a business. According to Guy Galboiz, it will help in boosting your brand’s visibility as well as brand recognition. You can also create brand awareness and develop lasting relationships with your clients. Through valuable and useful content, you are able to build authority and credibility and end up creating thought leadership. There is also an added bonus associated with content marketing, which is that it supports your search engine optimization and social media marketing efforts. Plus, it also provides you with additional content for your social media channels and blogs.

However, it is necessary to bear in mind that content marketing rarely offers quick results and it will take time, but the impacts are quite long-lasting.

  • Retargeting Ads

When people launch their startups, they do so because they believe in their products and services. Since it is your idea and plan, you do believe in it, but why should your potential customers do so? Even when they visit your website, the potential customers may not be convinced and they are going to need some solid nudges before they decide to become your customers. The nudging can be done with the help of retargeting. It is a means of marketing in which relevant ads are shown to people who have visited your website previously. When a potential customer comes to your website, an unobtrusive piece of JavaScript called pixel is put on their web browser. Put simply, you have just added a cookie to the visitor’s browser.

How does this help? When these visitors go to other websites, the pixel will automatically notify the retargeting platform and the relevant ads are then served to the customers based on the pages they visited on your website. As long as your retargeting ads are effective, you will be able to convert these visitors, who have already expressed an internet in your products or services previously, and see an improvement in your conversion rate.

  • Viral Marketing

According to [] Guy Galboiz, there is no better way for a startup to create a strong buzz about their brand name and their offerings than going viral on the internet. Your startup can become a success overnight if you can create content that has the power to go viral. Moreover, viral marketing is basically a result achieved through the combined efforts of the online marketing strategies outlined above. There is no perfect or accurate formula that can be used for creating viral content.

But, if you study the content that has gone viral in the past, it usually involves doing something unique and funny, something that hasn’t been done before. You can get your brand noticed by leveraging social media and share content to the best of your abilities. For a certain time period, this will cause a major surge in your website’s traffic and you will be able to go to trending from relatively obscure. The next part is convincing these people to buy your products and services. The good thing is that it is also a frugal online strategy.

  • Affiliate Marketing

This is often regarded as a sibling of influencer marketing because it also increases sales through the influence of people. Therefore, it is advised by Guy Galboiz to consider incorporating it with your influencer campaign. Affiliate marketing can save you from a lot of hard work and hassle because you can sit back, relax and let others do the work for you. You have to recruit affiliates for your business who can work on drawing in leads on your behalf. They can be regarded as salespeople working on commission basis. You can decide how much commission you wish to pay.

They payment can be in the form of a flat fee on every product or according to the sales. Affiliate links are used for keeping track of the sales, which are given to the affiliates. This link is shared by the affiliates with others, who can use the link to visit your website and making a purchase.

As Guy Galboiz has said, building and launching a successful startup is an uphill battle as there is tough competition. But, if you choose the right online marketing strategies, you will be able to distinguish yourself from the crowd and get a high return on investment (ROI).