Everything You’ve Ever Need to Know About Linkedin Marketing

Everything You’ve Ever Need to Know About Linkedin Marketing
Everything You've Ever Need to Know About Linkedin Marketing

LinkedIn is one of the most important B2B social media platforms that stretches over a wide range of industries. Marketing through LinkedIn can help you attract more clients and connections for your business. It is currently one of the most popular social networks for professionals. One effective tactic that can effectively help you market your business is uploading native videos. Click on this link for a free video maker that can help you to do so.

In this article, we will take a quick but thorough look at everything you ever need to know about LinkedIn marketing for your business, right from the very basics. This includes important steps such as creating a company profile and posting relevant content; using effective tactics like tagging contacts in your post and creating native videos using a free video maker. Let’s begin!

Creating Your Company’s LinkedIn Profile

Creating a LinkedIn profile for your company is the initial step if you want to build brand recognition. It will provide a way for you to promote your products and services to potential customers.

The fact is that 51% of companies acquired a B2C customer via their LinkedIn profile. So, stop wasting time and create one by taking these easy steps:

1: Create a Company Page

Click the “Work” icon at the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage. Scroll down and go to “Create a Company Page”. Then, select the page type you want to create. You can choose from:

  • Small Business (no more than 200 employees)
  • Medium to Large Business (more than 200 employees)
  • Showcase Page (sub-pages that highlight a particular product or service you provide)
  • Educational Institution (for schools and universities)

2: Set Up Your Page Identity

Your brand is very important, so pay extra attention when setting up your page identity. In this part, fill in your industry, company size, company type, and upload your company logo and tagline (slogan). For the logo size, we recommend using a 300 x 300 px image.

3: Create a Company Description

Your company description is the first thing people see when they visit your business profile. You’d want to mention all the products and services that you offer, and how your company added value to your specific field or industry. Make sure to preview everything before clicking the “Create Page” button.

Posting Relevant and Engaging Content

Your primary goal is to increase the engagement of your page, so you’d want to make sure your posts contain relevant information related to your industry.

Show your expertise in your field and write about topics in which you can add value or provide valuable advice. You can also use eye-catching visuals and infographics. Avoid writing promotional pieces and focus more on content that gives concise information for your audience.

Getting Your Company’s Name Out There

It’s important to get your brand recognized by your target niche and a great way to do this is by inviting people to follow your page. Aside from inviting people to follow your page, here are other effective strategies you can try to increase your connections:

  • Promote your LinkedIn page on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Include a link to your LinkedIn page in your emails.
  • Personalize your connection requests.

Adding LinkedIn Groups to Your Page

Having a LinkedIn page helps you connect and interact with like-minded professionals in your industry. You can use your page to showcase a LinkedIn group. You can be part of an existing group, or you can start your own. Being the admin of a group, however, can increase your brand awareness in your niche.

1: Create a LinkedIn Group

Click the “Work” icon at the top right corner of the homepage. Select “Groups” icon, then click the “Create Group” button at the top right corner. After that, fill in the required information: group name, about the group, rules, and privacy. Finally, click “Create” button and you’re done.

2: Feature Your Group on your Profile

Go to your profile page and head to the “Featured Groups” tab on the left-hand side. Click “Add a LinkedIn Group”; select the group you want to showcase on your page, then click “save”.

Engaging Your Employees and Connections

Your employees are the best ambassadors for your brand. You can increase your online presence by asking them to share articles from your company’s blog or mentioning your company in the post. Industry experts say that people are more likely to engage with employees’ LinkedIn profiles than with company pages.

When sharing content, tagging people you’ve referenced is another important tactic. The people you tagged will be notified, as well as their connections and people who follow them. This will boost your visibility and ultimately increase the overall engagement of your company’s page.

Uploading Native Videos and Using Hashtags – Make Use of a Free Video Maker

Another strategy that has proven effective for the past couple of years is uploading native videos on your company’s LinkedIn profile. You can easily record and edit videos using a free video maker.

According to LinkedIn stats, native videos are five times more likely to engage other members in a conversation compared to other content. Videos are one of those types of content which stand out and draw attention, making them critical in today’s social media marketing. You can simply use a free video maker to create your native videos, even if you don’t have any editing experience.

Just be as creative as possible. Share an opinion, provide your insight about the latest trends in your niche, or share a few useful tips and tricks. 

Hashtags help people find content on a particular topic. Adding hashtags to your posts increase their chance of being discovered by those who follow or search for the hashtag you’ve used. If you use hashtags when posting on your other social networks, you should also use them with your LinkedIn posts.

When you upload a photo or video, LinkedIn will suggest some hashtags according to the topic you’re sharing. You can choose from them come up with your own. 

Measuring Your Performance

Monitoring your LinkedIn analytics dashboard regularly can help you make smarter choices that lead to better results. Keep in mind that your marketing tactics should be based on data, and your content should be tailored to what your audience resonates with.

It’s important to track some LinkedIn KPIs such as followers numbers, demographics, impressions and reach, engagement rate, and profile views. Doing this will help you increase your reach in your niche.

Diving deeper into analytics without guidance might be difficult, especially for the inexperienced. This is why it’s better to use a trusted analytics tool. It can provide you with the data needed to track your key metrics and grow your company page.


The benefits of using these LinkedIn marketing tactics are undeniable. You can increase your company’s online presence, build a credible image in the business world, and also keep your audience informed.

Stick with the marketing strategies above and you’re sure to reap positive results. Use the potential of this platform and capitalize on free resources like a free video maker to create high-quality and actionable content for your niche. After some time, you might even find yourself as one of the leaders in your industry.