Basics of driving traffic to your site from social media giants

Basics of driving traffic to your site from social media giants
Basics of driving traffic to your site from social media giants. Image source: Supplied

If you have a well-developed and curated website, then it’s important that you also have regular visitors. Yes, we are talking about the traffic which is generated over a period of time. But how can you drive the traffic towards your page? 

Certainly, one answer is to create a nice website, in order to make it look attractive and so that people find it compelling and start visiting it. One other thing can be to spread your hands to as many places as you can. It actually means that you create and start working on your social media accounts. 

But just being on social media will not be enough. You also need to have a popular image on social media handles, and for that it will be important that you have a great number of likes and followers on your posts on the platforms of your favor. 

If you are an influencer, then it means that the most important thing for you is to gather as many people you can on the biggest social media, in your list of subscribers. Basically, Instagram still remains the biggest place for influencers in 2019 and 2020 so it’s worth starting with gathering following on this platform. And then your growing number of fans there will further help you in getting more likes and become a basis for new portions of traffic. 

And that traffic, can further be directed towards your webpage. It’s a bit complex, but let’s make it simple. 

Getting Likes and Gathering Traffic

The traffic over your webpage, and the likes which you get on one of your social media accounts, such as Instagram, are directly proportional to each other. 

You may say that it isn’t something new, and that I already knew this. But then again, there are some things, which will prove to be new for you. We will consider the situation of an influencer has moved on to Instagram for creating his career. And to its parallel, he also has a web page, where he is awaiting a lot of visitors. 

So, how will he be able to get them?

Some of you might have guessed that it would happen with the help of his Instagram handle. Instagram, where you’d keep on posting and promoting stuff, which is manufactured by the brands, which will be collaborating with you. But on those posts on Instagram, it will be essential to have a lot of likes, so that more and more people get to know about the same. If you have the talent, and also the skills, then the next thing you’d have to focus on would be getting the attention of the public. 

That can be done with the help of Instagram likes. 

For getting more and more of them, either you can go the normal way, which includes posting high-quality content on a regular basis. That would include stuff like using a particular hashtag under your post, for sending your post to a collection of photos, where masses will quickly reach out. 

Hashtags can easily allow anyone to find your post, and well, that’s their beauty. 

Moving ahead, you can also collaborate with the established stars of your industry, in order to get noticed. If we are calling them established, then they will also be having a large number of followers already. And when you’d appear in a pic, alongside the star, it’s very likely that those fans will also check out your page. 

And If they do, your story will have a happy ending. 

Other than this, you can also buy it here and there, though it’s not a problem now. You can go out on Google and find pages which are offering real boosts. It’s not a secret in 2019 that mostly every person on Instagram was buying likes time to time so, that’s an option which can allow you to grow quickly. Take into account that you should seek the assistance from experts on  websites like Friendlylikes to receive a professional assistance on your marketing efforts. Be sure to choose from well-known companies which own a unique donor user base and provide signals from real people.

Once you get likes, it would mean that you will be able to notice a huge growth in your followers. Gaining much more of such will mean that a lot of people visit your Instagram page. 

At the same time, while all these fans will be visiting your Instagram account, they will also check out your bio. And in your Instagram bio, you can link your webpage. 

This smart move will allow all the visitors of your page, to go and checkout your website too. And by doing this, all the traffic will be directed to your website. 

Isn’t that amazing? 

Once they feel that your website is worthy enough for a lot more views, they will refer it to their friends. 


If you have a lot of likes on your posts and content, then it would mean that you can also win a lot of followers. Once you’ve done with it, then it shouldn’t reach any limit. A great number of fans, will finally mean that you can use them to drive traffic to your website!