How to build a passive income with no upfront investment

How to build a passive income with no upfront investment
How to build a passive income with no upfront investment

For those looking to gain financial freedom there is little as alluring as a passive income stream. Passive income streams are those kind of incomes, which, after being set up, will continue to bring in an income with little to no attention whatsoever. It’s easy to see why it has become such a buzzword, but the reality is often quite different to the idea.

For starters most passive income streams take a vast amount of work, and quite often income, to get started. For example, it’s hard to earn a living off stock dividends without first having a significant amount of money to invest in the stock market. This is true of many passive income opportunities such as rental properties, annuities and angel investing. Other avenues such as creating and selling online courses or eBooks, or developing an app also require a significant investment in terms of time and expertise and are therefore also closed off to most people.

The good news is that there is at least one passive income stream, which can be started by anyone, doesn’t require any initial investment and simply makes use of the network and social media that you already have at hand, and it may not be one you have thought of before.

Becoming a Business Referrer (BR – also sometimes called an “Introducing Broker”) allows you to partner with a reputable trading firm to grow your monthly earnings through the commission made off referrals. Brokerage firms such as CMTrading platforms that educate people on how to trade forex and commodities, while assisting them in investing in these areas. These platforms make money from each person that uses them and as such referrals are a critical part of what makes their business work. Naturally, this means they are prepared to pay commissions on each referral.

The true power of this, for you the BR, is that you are paid these commissions, not simply upon referral, but for each trade the referred person makes with them, indefinitely into the future. Over time as more of the people you refer go on to use these platforms, the more money you will make each month. For those with large personal networks, captivated followers or trusted client bases it becomes a way to generate additional monthly income with absolutely no capital outlay and only a small amount of initial effort.

The trick is to ensure you work with the best brokers available so that it’s not just about you making your profits from the referrals. No one wants to advise their friends, and followers to do something that is guaranteed to lose them money, not only because of the obviously negative emotions involved, but because it would mean they stop investing and the passive income stream dries up. By partnering with a reputable broker such as CMTrading you not only gain the benefit of knowing you are doing the right thing, but those you refer stand more chance of making profits having gained the benefit of a trustworthy broker’s educated guidance.

What may be obvious by now is that this income can be as passive as you would like. Assuming you already have a thriving social media following or blog. You could choose to make it as simple as placing a clickable banner on your pages and letting the followers find their way to your broker themselves, or you could actively phone contacts and recruit them via seminars, conferences or even family meetings. For many Business Referrers it is often enough to simply mention the product from time-to-time on their social media, or write a blog post with clickable links. At the end of the day, the amount of effort you put in, should be in line with what you want to get out and how much time you want to spend.

Interested? You can start your referral business right away and launch your passive income stream, by visiting and following the advice.