Ukrainian Armed Forces Facing Critical Lack of Medical Supplies – Ex-Prime Minister

Ukrainian Armed Forces Facing Critical Lack of Medical Supplies – Ex-Prime...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Ukrainian armed forces are experiencing a critical lack of quality medicines and medical equipment as the numbers of injured soldiers...
Russian Air Defense Downs 8 Ukraine's Storm Shadow Missiles Over Crimea – MoD

Russian Air Defense Downs 8 Ukraine's Storm Shadow Missiles Over Crimea...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian air defense prevented Ukraine's attempt to attack Crimea using eight Storm Shadow cruise missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry said on...
At Least 15 People Injured in Halloween Party Shooting in US City of Chicago – Police

At Least 15 People Injured in Halloween Party Shooting in US...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - An unknown man has opened fire during a Halloween party in the North Lawndale district of the US city of Chicago,...
Events at Dagestan Airport Result of Outside Interference – Kremlin

Events at Dagestan Airport Result of Outside Interference – Kremlin

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is receiving reports on the situation in Dagestan from the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Russian Guard...
ICRC Says Searching for 15,000 People Missing Due to Ukraine Conflict

ICRC Says Searching for 15,000 People Missing Due to Ukraine Conflict

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is currently trying to locate about 15,000 people who went missing during the...
US House of Representatives to Consider Israel Funding Bill This Week – Speaker

US House of Representatives to Consider Israel Funding Bill This Week...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The US House of Representatives plans to consider a separate bill this week to provide assistance to Israel amid its ongoing...
West Using Ukraine as Battering Ram to Inflict ‘Strategic Defeat’ on Russia – Shoigu

West Using Ukraine as Battering Ram to Inflict ‘Strategic Defeat’ on...

BEIJING (Sputnik) - The West is using Ukraine as a battering ram to inflict "strategic defeat" on Russia after Moscow took countermeasures to the...
Mexico’s Death Toll From Hurricane Otis Reaches 43 – Governor

Mexico’s Death Toll From Hurricane Otis Reaches 43 – Governor

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - At least 43 people died in the Mexican state of Guerrero when Hurricane Otis, a devastating Category 5 storm, hit the...
Airport in Russia's Makhachkala Shuttered Over Security Breach, Criminal Probe Launched

Airport in Russia's Makhachkala Shuttered Over Security Breach, Criminal Probe Launched

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The airport in the southwestern Russian city of Makhachkala was shuttered on Sunday night after a crowd of protesters swarmed the...
Australian PM Says He Made No Requests to Biden Over Potential Assange Release

Australian PM Says He Made No Requests to Biden Over Potential...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did not ask US President Joe Biden to facilitate the release of Australian journalist and WikiLeaks...
In Dagestan, crowd of people paralyse the work of capital airport looking for Israeli refugees

In Dagestan, crowd of people paralyse the work of capital airport...

In the evening of October 29, a crowd of people broke into the building of the airport due to the arrival of a flight...
US Rejection of ‘Civilized Realism’ Makes World Scarier Today Than During Cuban Missile Crisis

US Rejection of ‘Civilized Realism’ Makes World Scarier Today Than During...

Sunday marks the 61st anniversary of the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis – the October 1962 diplomatic and military emergency which brought the...