Malaysia plane relatives dragged from news conference

Frustration with the search for missing flight MH370 boiled over into chaotic scenes as Chinese relatives were dragged away from journalists. They were attempting...

Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered – Walid...

Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi witnessed at least...

Malik Obama Scandal BLOWING UP in Egypt; U.S. Embassy behaving like...

Sadek Raouf Ebeid, an Egyptian doctor in the U.S., implored the U.S. Congress to investigate the scandal involving Malik Obama, the brother of U.S....

A Genocide Trial in Paris

It took 20 years for France to bring to justice one of the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide who have taken refuge on its...

12 Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Awake At Night

They often experience tension with other African-American gangs, such as groups comprised of Ethiopian refugees. Somali gangs have been involved ... Outside prison, the...

Obama imposes sanctions on 11 Russians

Washington - US President Barack Obama on Monday slapped sanctions on two top aides to President Vladimir Putin and nine other people linked to...

Thailand hands over Flight 370 radar data

Bangkok - Thailand's military says its radar detected a plane that may have been Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 just minutes after the missing jetliner's...

Murderous Regimes and the Churches

Otherwise, the religious record on concern about mass murder by totalitarian tyrannies is pretty grim. By contrast, during the 1980s, an endless cavalcade of...

Israeli Defense Minister: Israel Can’t Rely on Obama on Iran

Israel cannot depend on the United States to lead any action against Iran's nuclear program and can only rely on itself, the country's defense...

Marseilles Is Now 30-40% Muslim. Excessive Violence, Riots, And Rapes Has...

France is probably the worst affected of all western nations by immigration, since it is on the brink of losing its European identity to...

World Cup – Still a Few Hiccups Away for Brazil

Brazil is facing major challenges. Violent public protests, an aggressive police crackdown, and infrastructure failures show a nation at times limping towards the 2014...

Bus driver makes futile attempt to rape woman; throws her out...

... futile attempt to rape woman; throws her out Bangalore RNA Research & Archives. A state transport bus driver allegedly attempted rape on a...