Cyclone threatens to disrupt search for missing Malaysian plane

(Reuters) - A tropical cyclone was threatening to hamper the search for a missing Malaysian jetliner in a remote stretch of the Indian Ocean...

Muslims Who ‘Want to Practice Sharia Law’ Should ‘Go Back Where...

“We should be afraid of sharia law” in America, and Muslims here who want to practice sharia should go back to where they came...

Earth-sized planet found in ‘habitable zone’

Washington - The hunt for potential life in outer space has taken a step forward - an international team of researchers has discovered the...

South Korea school official in ferry sinking commits suicide

Mokpo - The vice-principal of a South Korean high school who accompanied hundreds of pupils on a ferry that capsized has committed suicide, police...

US teacher fired over black president remark

Cincinnati - A US teacher has been fired following allegations that he told a black student who said he wanted to become president that...

The Purposes of Genocide Research – Genocide Watch

When the U.N. adopted the Genocide Convention in 1948, it outlawed genocide, the worst of all crimes against humanity. But it did not...

Tests – Oil slick not from missing Malaysian plane

PERTH, AUSTRALIA—Investigators were analyzing data collected by a robotic submarine that completed its first successful scan of the seabed Thursday in the hunt for...

US court throws out South African man’s murder confession

A South African man's apparent confession to four murders, which was videotaped by Texas Rangers after his arrest, has been thrown out by a...

Ocean floor search for missing Malaysia plane cut short again

PERTH, Australia (Reuters) - The search for a Malaysia Airlines jetliner deep in the Indian Ocean was again cut short on Wednesday when technical...

Flight MH370 ‘hijacked and in Afghanistan’: Russian intelligence source claims all...

A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by "unknown terrorists" and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now...

Missing Malaysia Airlines plane flight MH370: Underwater drone mission cut short...

The US Navy robotic submarine returned to the Indian Ocean's surface after reaching the maximum depth at which it can operate. The US Navy's underwater...

Thailand: ‘Seven Dangerous Days’ of the Songkran Festival …

Songkran Festival, Thailand’s traditional New Year celebrated every April, is popularly associated with water events, family reunions, and various festivities across the country. But...