Russian Constitution to be changed as new territories join Russia

Russian Constitution to be changed as new territories join Russia

The admission of new regions to Russia as a result of the referenda will require amendments to the Russian Constitution South Africa Today - World...
Slovak Economy on Verge of Collapse as Energy Prices Soar, Prime Minister Says

Slovak Economy on Verge of Collapse as Energy Prices Soar, Prime...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger said on Wednesday that energy crisis and rising electricity prices could put the country's economy on...
At Least Six Injured After Shooting at California School, Authorities Say

At Least Six Injured After Shooting at California School, Authorities Say

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - At least six individuals were injured on Wednesday after a shooting took place at an Oakland school campus in California, the...
Results of Referendums on Joining Russia in Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions

Results of Referendums on Joining Russia in Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye...

On September 23-27, the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, as well as Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, liberated by the Russian forces from the...
Wall Street Up 2% in Biggest Daily Gain in 6 Weeks as US Recession Fears Abate

Wall Street Up 2% in Biggest Daily Gain in 6 Weeks...

NEW YORK (Sputnik) - Wall Street’s three major stock indices rose by about 2% each on Wednesday, staging their biggest one-day rebound in six...
How will Nord Stream accidents change the world?

How will Nord Stream accidents change the world?

On September 27, Nord Stream AG announced unprecedented damage that was caused to the company's two gas pipelines that run along the bottom of...
State Dept: Idea That US Was Involved in Nord Stream Pipeline Leak is 'Preposterous'

State Dept: Idea That US Was Involved in Nord Stream Pipeline...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The idea that the United States was somehow involved in the apparent sabotage attacks against the Nord Stream 1 and 2...
National Weather Service Says Hurricane Ian ‘Life-Threatening,’ 18-Foot Storm Surges Seen

National Weather Service Says Hurricane Ian ‘Life-Threatening,’ 18-Foot Storm Surges Seen

WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) - Hurricane Ian poses a “life-threatening” danger to the people of Florida amid high winds and coastal storm surges as high as...
Biden Asks About Late Congresswoman During Event on Nutrition

Biden Asks About Late Congresswoman During Event on Nutrition

WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden asked if late congresswoman Jackie Walorski was in the audience as he addressed a huge crowd during...
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Says Will Continue Air Strikes Against Kurds in Northern Iraq

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Says Will Continue Air Strikes Against Kurds in...

MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran announced on Wednesday the continuation of air strikes in northern Iraq against Kurdish...
Even Seven Billion Simple Acts of Kindness will not Alter the Outcome

Even Seven Billion Simple Acts of Kindness will not Alter the...

"Lethality matters most. When you can kill your enemy, every part of your life is better. Your food tastes better. Your marriage is stronger....
US Oil Stockpiles Fall Broadly First Time in 4 Weeks, Energy Agency Estimates

US Oil Stockpiles Fall Broadly First Time in 4 Weeks, Energy...

WASHINGTON, (Sputnik) - Crude oil stockpiles fell last week for their first weekly decline in four and fuel inventories slipped as well amid a...