S&P Ratings Predicts 'Shallow Recession' in US if Global Woes Persist

S&P Ratings Predicts 'Shallow Recession' in US if Global Woes Persist

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - S&P Global Ratings said on Wednesday that it projects a "shallow recession" in the United States if the global economy continues...
No Plan for Secondary Russia Sanctions After Oil Price Cap in Place: US Treasury

No Plan for Secondary Russia Sanctions After Oil Price Cap in...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is not planning to implement secondary sanctions against Russia once the price cap on Russian oil is in...
Adviser to Iranian Leader Calls Russia, China Dumping US Dollar 'Good Progress'

Adviser to Iranian Leader Calls Russia, China Dumping US Dollar 'Good...

TEHRAN (Sputnik) - Russia and China's dumping of bilateral payments in US dollars represent "very good progress" in challenging Washington's hegemony of the International...
Russia, Morocco to Sign Agreement on Cooperation on Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes

Russia, Morocco to Sign Agreement on Cooperation on Nuclear Energy for...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia and Morocco will sign an agreement on cooperation on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, according to the Russian government’s order...
Elon Musk releases Burnt Hair cologne

Elon Musk releases Burnt Hair cologne

Elon Musk has launched a pre-order for Burnt Hair perfume with the smell of burnt hair, reports Reuters. South Africa Today - World News Read more...
US Reportedly Considers to Impose Complete Ban on Russian Aluminum

US Reportedly Considers to Impose Complete Ban on Russian Aluminum

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is considering imposing a complete ban on Russian aluminum, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday. Sputnik News South Africa Today - World...
French Government Holds Fuel Crisis Meeting, Reports Say

French Government Holds Fuel Crisis Meeting, Reports Say

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The French government held a crisis meeting on Wednesday in a bid to tackle the deepening fuel crisis, BFMTV cited government...
Armenian Foreign Minister Says EU Decided to Send Mission to Armenian-Azeri Border

Armenian Foreign Minister Says EU Decided to Send Mission to Armenian-Azeri...

ASTANA (Sputnik) - The European Union decided to send a mission to the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said. Sputnik...
Turkey surprised by Putin's suggestion to create major gas hub in Black Sea region

Turkey surprised by Putin's suggestion to create major gas hub in...

Russia could create "the largest gas hub" in Turkey for supplies to Europe, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Russian Energy...
Technical Failure Caused Leak at Druzhba Oil Pipeline, Russian Deputy PM Novak Says

Technical Failure Caused Leak at Druzhba Oil Pipeline, Russian Deputy PM...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The accident at the Druzhba oil pipeline occurred due to a technical failure, and it has been already resolved, Russian Deputy...
Iran, Russia and China to Hold Joint Naval Exercises in Indian Ocean Soon, Commander Says

Iran, Russia and China to Hold Joint Naval Exercises in Indian...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The commander of the Iranian navy, Shahram Irani, said on Wednesday that joint naval exercises with the participation of China and...
NATO to Work With Arms Manufacturers to Increase Production, Stoltenberg Says

NATO to Work With Arms Manufacturers to Increase Production, Stoltenberg Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO intends to engage more actively with arms developers to boost the production of weapons amid hostilities in Ukraine, Secretary General...