Mexican Anesthesiologist Accused of Killing People With Fungal Meningitis: Prosecutor

Mexican Anesthesiologist Accused of Killing People With Fungal Meningitis: Prosecutor

MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - A fungal meningitis outbreak in hospitals in the Mexican state of Durango that has killed 35 people was allegedly caused...
Biden State of The Union Speech Just 'Populist Rhetoric,' Not Reality, Experts Say

Biden State of The Union Speech Just 'Populist Rhetoric,' Not Reality,...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - President Joe Biden's State of the Union speech was forceful populist rhetoric but did not reflect any true reality, analysts told...
Exceptions From EU's Oil Price Caps Show Russian Oil in Demand in Europe, Russian Official Says

Exceptions From EU's Oil Price Caps Show Russian Oil in Demand...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Exceptions from the oil price caps set by the EU show that Russian oil and oil products are in demand in...
Zelensky roots out democracy in Ukraine using conflict with Russia as an excuse

Zelensky roots out democracy in Ukraine using conflict with Russia as...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky used the conflict with Russia as an excuse to do away with his opponents and consolidate power while destroying Ukrainian...
Ukraine's Accession to EU Would Add Chaos That Is Already in Abundance, Medvedchuk Says

Ukraine's Accession to EU Would Add Chaos That Is Already in...

MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - The European Union could not cope with the management of the countries that had already joined it, the accession of Ukraine...
No Grounds for Expanding List of Ukrainian Products Exported Under Grain Deal: Moscow

No Grounds for Expanding List of Ukrainian Products Exported Under Grain...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - There is no reason for expanding the list of Ukrainian products exported as part of the grain deal, Pyotr Ilyichev, the...
McCarthy Fact Checks State of the Union Speech, Says Deficit Increased Under Biden

McCarthy Fact Checks State of the Union Speech, Says Deficit Increased...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy fact checked President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech to Congress, claiming the United States’...
Household gas explosion near Tula: Residential building collapses, four killed

Household gas explosion near Tula: Residential building collapses, four killed

Four people were killed as a result of household gas explosion in a five-story apartment bloc near the city of Tula in central Russia South...
Ancient City of Aleppo, Minaret of Great Mosque Damaged by Earthquake, Reports Resident

Ancient City of Aleppo, Minaret of Great Mosque Damaged by Earthquake,...

ALEPPO (Sputnik) - The Ancient City of Aleppo, including the minaret of the citadel's Great Mosque, as well as its towers and walls, were...
Russian Government Rejects Bloomberg Report About Alleged Pressure on Central Bank

Russian Government Rejects Bloomberg Report About Alleged Pressure on Central Bank

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A Bloomberg article about alleged pressure from the Russian government on the Bank of Russia to lower the key rate is...
Russian's Foreign Ministry: Idea to Send UN Peacekeepers to Karabakh Hardly Realistic

Russian's Foreign Ministry: Idea to Send UN Peacekeepers to Karabakh Hardly...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The idea to send UN peacekeepers to Nagorno-Karabakh is hardly realistic, and the Russian peacekeeping contingent effectively carries out tasks of...
Syria's Deadly Earthquake Affects at Least 57,000 Palestinian Refugees – UN Relief Agency

Syria's Deadly Earthquake Affects at Least 57,000 Palestinian Refugees – UN...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has requested $2.7 million in humanitarian...