Over 30 Greenpeace Activists Stage Protest in UK Parliament

Over 30 Greenpeace Activists Stage Protest in UK Parliament

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - More than 30 Greenpeace activists staged a protest on Monday in the UK parliament building, demanding that the authorities introduce a...
White House Says Has No Planned Biden-Xi Meetings to Preview

White House Says Has No Planned Biden-Xi Meetings to Preview

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The White House has no meetings between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to announce at present,...
Yellen: US Financial Sector Closely Watched For Risks Amid Global Volatility

Yellen: US Financial Sector Closely Watched For Risks Amid Global Volatility

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US financial sector is being closely monitored for risks amid increased global market volatility, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Monday. Sputnik...
Iranian Foreign Ministry Calls US Position on Talks on Revival of JCPOA 'Hypocritical'

Iranian Foreign Ministry Calls US Position on Talks on Revival of...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday accused the United States of having a hypocritical position on talks aimed...
US Defense Industrial Base Constrained by Lack of Skilled Workers – Ex-Military Officials

US Defense Industrial Base Constrained by Lack of Skilled Workers –...

WASHINGTON, October 24 (Sputnik) - The US defense industrial base is being constrained by a shortage of talent, from software engineers to trade workers,...
China’s GDP Grows 3.9% in Third Quarter of 2022 – Statistics Bureau

China’s GDP Grows 3.9% in Third Quarter of 2022 – Statistics...

BEIJING (Sputnik) - China’s GDP growth rate amounted to 3.9% in the third quarter of this year, while the gross domestic product increase for...
Progress MS-19 Cargo Spacecraft Undocks From ISS – Roscosmos

Progress MS-19 Cargo Spacecraft Undocks From ISS – Roscosmos

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Progress MS-19 cargo spacecraft has undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) and will be crashed in the non-navigable part...
OPEC+ Output Cuts Likely to Be Four Times Less Than Flagged – US Special Envoy

OPEC+ Output Cuts Likely to Be Four Times Less Than Flagged...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Cuts in OPEC+ oil production are likely to be four times less than announced, as they represent a political move rather...
Over 90,000 Protesters Join Opposition Rally in Kishinev, Organizers Say

Over 90,000 Protesters Join Opposition Rally in Kishinev, Organizers Say

KISHINEV (Sputnik) - More than 90,000 people joined a protest against Moldova's government, although the actual scale is hard to gauge as people have...
Ex-President Sarkozy Says European Commission Exceeds Mandate by Meddling in Ukraine Arms Supplies

Ex-President Sarkozy Says European Commission Exceeds Mandate by Meddling in Ukraine...

PARIS, October 23 (Sputnik) - Issues of foreign policy and arms supplies to Ukraine go beyond the mandate of the European Commission, which is...
India Launches 36 OneWeb Satellites Into Orbit – ISRO

India Launches 36 OneWeb Satellites Into Orbit – ISRO

NEW DELHI (Sputnik) - The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) says it has successfully launched 36 OneWeb satellites into orbit using the LVM3 carrier...
Russia Launches Rocket With First Satellite of Sfera Orbital Constellation

Russia Launches Rocket With First Satellite of Sfera Orbital Constellation

VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME (Sputnik) - Russia has launched the Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying the Skif-D satellite, the first orbital spacecraft from the Sfera (Sphere) multi-satellite orbital...