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Pepsi cuts off Indonesian palm oil supplier over labor, sustainability concerns

PepsiCo has announced the suspension since January 2017 of its business ties with IndoAgri, one of Indonesia’s biggest palm oil producers, citing concerns...

‘S.O.S.’ carved out of former plantation shines a light on palm...

  A dramatic S.O.S. sign has been carved out of a stand of oil palms on a former plantation in Sumatra, serving to highlight...

Javan rhino population holds steady amid ever-present peril

JAKARTA — The Javan rhinoceros, one of the world’s most endangered species, continues to persevere in its last remaining sanctuary, the latest census from...

Watch: James Watt, the farmer who challenged a palm oil fiefdom

We met James Watt in his home village of Bangkal during the reporting of “The palm oil fiefdom,” in early 2017. Bangkal lies on...

Andes dams twice as numerous as thought are fragmenting the Amazon

The Marañón River flows though the Peruvian Andes, and is a major Amazon River tributary. The Peruvian government is planning to build several major...

Five-year sentences for elephant poachers in Republic of Congo

A court in the Republic of Congo has convicted three men of killing elephants for their tusks, and sentenced them to five years in...

New study: Radar reveals bats are a bellwether of climate change

Scientists know that bats boost the profits of farmers by fertilizing crops and keeping hungry insects in check. According to recent research, they also...

Vanishing species deserve our few cents (commentary)

As a conservation scientist, people often ask me, “What can I do to help save vanishing species?” In the U.S., you already do something...

Peru: Law prioritizes highway construction that could threaten indigenous communities

UCAYALI REGION, Peru — Peru has passed a controversial law that makes highway construction in border areas and maintaining trucking roads in the Ucayali...

Norsk Hydro accused of Amazon toxic spill, admits ‘clandestine pipeline’

Flooding at the Norske Hydro Alunorte facility following heavy rains in February. Photo by Instituo Evandro Chagas Norsk Hydro, a bauxite and aluminum mining...

African Parks to manage gorges, rock art and crocodiles of Chad’s...

The government of Chad has enlisted the aid of a conservation NGO to run a massive national park in the country’s northeast that is...

Detecting disasters on community lands in the Amazon: film highlights indigenous...

Tens of thousands of indigenous people in the Peruvian Amazon have been fighting decades of contamination of their natural resources by foreign and domestic...