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Conservation news and Environmental science

Sarawak Indigenous NGO squeezed by defamation case, silenced from reporting alleged logging

Sarawak Indigenous NGO squeezed by defamation case, silenced from reporting alleged...

For the fourth time, the hearing of a defamation suit filed by Malaysia-based timber company Samling against Indigenous rights group SAVE Rivers has been...
Despite 11% drop in 2022, Amazon deforestation rate has soared under Bolsonaro

Despite 11% drop in 2022, Amazon deforestation rate has soared under...

An area equivalent to the size of Qatar was cleared in the Brazilian Amazon between Aug. 1, 2021, and July 31, 2022, according to...
Doing away with diesel using small modular reactors

Doing away with diesel using small modular reactors

As far as decarbonization solutions, one of the challenges hanging out there looking for a solution is off-grid power – electrical power that is...

Brazilian regulators deny French oil giant Total license to drill near...

Brazil’s environmental regulatory...

New report highlights top 50 tortoises and turtles on brink of...

More than 50 percent of the world’s tortoises and turtles are threatened with extinction, according to a new report.The 2018 report presents an updated...

For Javan rhinos, the last holdout may also be a deadly...

The Critically Endangered...
Can we fix our failing food systems? Agroecology has answers

Can we fix our failing food systems? Agroecology has answers

The U.S. has an industrialized and unsustainable food system that depletes non-renewable resources such as groundwater and soil, and this model has been exported...
New technologies to map environmental crime in the Amazon Basin (commentary)

New technologies to map environmental crime in the Amazon Basin (commentary)

Environmental crimes like land grabbing, illegal deforestation, and poaching hinder climate action, deter investment in sustainable practices, and threaten biodiversity across major biomes worldwide.Despite...
How the U.N., nations, kids and corporations saved the Red Sea from an oil disaster

How the U.N., nations, kids and corporations saved the Red Sea...

In August, an international effort led by the U.N. averted a massive oil spill in the Red Sea.The FSO Safer, a deteriorating oil tanker...
Sea levels are rising fastest in big cities

Sea levels are rising fastest in big cities

In many of the most populated coastal areas, the land is sinking even faster than the sea is rising. It is well known that climate-induced...
How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the Amazon

How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the...

As Brazil prepares to turn the page on the Bolsonaro government, finding sustainable and economically viable alternatives for the Amazon region remains challenging.Advocates tout...