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Environmental stories from around the web, March 23, 2018

Tropical forests A new study finds that deforestation rates of 20 to 25 percent in the Amazon could cause a collapse of the hydrological...

Students learn about making technology work in the field

  Students in several science and tech schools in California are learning to design and build Guardians, acoustic monitoring devices to help protect rainforests...

Traditional communities accuse agribusiness of ‘green land grabbing’

The Cerrado savannah includes many traditional communities. Among them are the geraizeiros who arrived in Western Bahia as much as 200 years ago. For...

Indigenous Amazonian women demand end to extraction

The women waited at the presidential palace on Monday for almost six hours, carrying anti-extractives banners, wearing traditional clothing, occasionally chanting, and vowing...

In Bali fish die-offs, researchers spot a human hand

Mass fish die-offs are not uncommon in the volcanic lakes that dot Indonesia, including Bali’s Lake Batur, which sits in the crater of an...

New report highlights top 50 tortoises and turtles on brink of...

More than 50 percent of the world’s tortoises and turtles are threatened with extinction, according to a new report.The 2018 report presents an updated...

Company outed for fires in Indonesian palm lease still clearing forests...

Agribusiness conglomerate Korindo has since 2017 implemented a moratorium on forest clearing in its oil palm concessions, after it was found to be burning...

Over $720 million in profit from tourism in Peru’s protected natural...

According to a study published recently by the Conservation Strategy Fund, tourism in Peru’s natural protected areas created 36,000 jobs in 2017.One of the...

More than 40 percent of Madagascar’s freshwater life sliding toward extinction,...

In an assessment of 653 freshwater plant and animal species living on Madagascar and nearby islands, biologists found that 43 percent are threatened with...

How the son of a tailor rose to power in Indonesia’s...

In the leadup to the release of the second installment of Indonesia for Sale, our series examining the corruption behind Indonesia’s deforestation and land-rights...

Brazilian lawmakers funded by donors guilty of environmental crimes: report

The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies has 513 members. Of those, 249 received a total of 58.9 million reais (US$18.3 million) in official donations during...

A call for forests amid our concrete jungles (commentary)

More than half the world’s population lives in cities, and that’s set to rise to two-thirds – more than 6 billion people – by...