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Peat on land and kelp at sea as Argentina protects tip of Tierra del Fuego

Peat on land and kelp at sea as Argentina protects tip...

Argentinian legislators recently approved a law to permanently protect the Mitre Peninsula at the tip of South America, which harbors vast peatlands and kelp...
Historic EU law against deforestation-linked imports ignores Brazil’s Cerrado

Historic EU law against deforestation-linked imports ignores Brazil’s Cerrado

A day before the COP15 biodiversity summit began, the European Union agreed on the text of a law against imports of commodities like soy,...
Earth’s animals vital allies in CO2 storage

Earth’s animals vital allies in CO2 storage

The idea of animating the carbon cycle (ACC) is relatively new. The concept champions the role that healthy populations of wild animals, both terrestrial...
Shark-fishing gear banned across much of Pacific in conservation ‘win’

Shark-fishing gear banned across much of Pacific in conservation ‘win’

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission has outlawed shark lines and wire leaders, both of which aid industrial-scale fishers in targeting sharks.Shark numbers...
As waste-to-energy incinerators spread in Southeast Asia, so do concerns

As waste-to-energy incinerators spread in Southeast Asia, so do concerns

Widely in use in countries including Japan, South Korea and northern Europe, waste-to-energy technology is making inroads in Southeast Asia, where it’s presented as...
As EU finalizes renewable energy plan, forest advocates condemn biomass

As EU finalizes renewable energy plan, forest advocates condemn biomass

The EU hopes to finalize its revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED) soon, even as forest advocates urge last minute changes to significantly cut the...
Melting ice created the perfect storm for a rapidly acidifying Arctic Ocean

Melting ice created the perfect storm for a rapidly acidifying Arctic...

The Arctic Ocean has grown more acidic at a surprising rate in recent years, three times faster than the rest of the global ocean.Melting...
‘Amazing first step’ as EU law cracks down on deforestation-linked imports

‘Amazing first step’ as EU law cracks down on deforestation-linked imports

The European Union has agreed to adopt a law that will ban the trade of commodities associated with deforestation and forest degradation.The law will...
Indonesian authorities nip island auction in marine reserve in the bud

Indonesian authorities nip island auction in marine reserve in the bud

Indonesian officials have sought to neuter an apparent bid to auction off private tourism enclaves to foreign investors in a marine reserve in the...
In Patagonia, a puma’s life is decided by political borders

In Patagonia, a puma’s life is decided by political borders

Human-wildlife conflict has caused a decline in the puma population in parts of Argentinian Patagonia, research shows.One of Patagonia’s emblematic species, the puma is...
Scientists plead for protection of peatlands, the world’s carbon capsules

Scientists plead for protection of peatlands, the world’s carbon capsules

As the United Nations Biodiversity Conference begins, a group of researchers from more than a dozen countries are calling for worldwide peatland protection and...
Population cycles explain white-lipped peccary’s ups and downs, study shows

Population cycles explain white-lipped peccary’s ups and downs, study shows

A new study attributes the regular disappearance of white-lipped peccaries in South America to natural population cycles.White-lipped peccaries are a keystone species and ecosystem...