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Conservation news and Environmental science

Locals fight to save ‘a piece of the sea’ in Venezuela’s Andes

Locals fight to save ‘a piece of the sea’ in Venezuela’s...

Urao is the only brackish continental lagoon in Latin America, significant for its minerals and the livelihoods it supports, but threatened by encroaching development...
Island conservation should focus on land-sea links for most impact, paper says

Island conservation should focus on land-sea links for most impact, paper...

A new perspective piece in PNAS explores the idea that people, wildlife and the environment of islands thrive when conservation efforts focus on restoring...
For restoration, microbes below ground are just as crucial as the plants above

For restoration, microbes below ground are just as crucial as the...

Planting soil microbiome like fungi together with trees as a part of ecosystem restoration could lead to an average 64% increase in plant growth,...
Can timber production help fund global reforestation?

Can timber production help fund global reforestation?

As global reforestation commitments grow, how will companies, governments and communities pay to restore forest ecosystems and help sequester carbon over the long-term?One option:...
Mexico dismantles illegal fishing cartels killing off rare vaquita porpoise

Mexico dismantles illegal fishing cartels killing off rare vaquita porpoise

At a press conference, a top navy official confirmed that the Mexican government has arrested members of criminal groups dedicated to illegally fishing totoaba...
President Lula’s first pro-environment acts protect Indigenous people and the Amazon

President Lula’s first pro-environment acts protect Indigenous people and the Amazon

Effective Jan. 2, Brazil’s President Lula issued six decrees revoking or altering anti-environment-and-Indigenous measures from his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, acts highly celebrated by environmentalists...
On climate & biodiversity, where are we, post-COP15? (commentary)

On climate & biodiversity, where are we, post-COP15? (commentary)

There are many connections between climate change and biodiversity loss, and many of the actions needed to meet the 2030 action targets around biodiversity...
For Indonesian smallholders, EU deforestation rule is a threat — and an opportunity

For Indonesian smallholders, EU deforestation rule is a threat — and...

Small farmers in Indonesia could be excluded from the European palm oil supply chain under a new EU deforestation regulation because they’re far from...
Climate crisis puts Indigenous Amazonians’ Quarup funeral ritual at risk

Climate crisis puts Indigenous Amazonians’ Quarup funeral ritual at risk

The inhabitants of the Xingu Indigenous Territory have had to adapt their Quarup funeral ceremony to avoid fires and guarantee enough food for all...
Sharks received landmark protection to combat fin trade, but the culling must stop (commentary)

Sharks received landmark protection to combat fin trade, but the culling...

CITES CoP19 marked a historic win for shark conservation and the fight against the global trade in shark fins and meat, but an equally...
Indonesian ‘island auction’ to go ahead despite concerns over permits

Indonesian ‘island auction’ to go ahead despite concerns over permits

Shares of a private company with the rights to develop tourism facilities within a marine reserve in Indonesia have reappeared for auction later this...
Series of small dams pose big cumulative risk to Amazon’s fish and people

Series of small dams pose big cumulative risk to Amazon’s fish...

Small hydropower plants and small-scale fish farming in the Brazilian Amazon basin are often thought to cause negligible environmental harm, yet a new study...