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‘Sustainability is a continuous journey’: Q&A with RSPO’s Joseph D’Cruz

‘Sustainability is a continuous journey’: Q&A with RSPO’s Joseph D’Cruz

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the industry’s leading certifier of ethical compliance, has long faced scrutiny over its sustainability guidelines and how...
Air pollution may worsen antibiotic resistance in pathogens

Air pollution may worsen antibiotic resistance in pathogens

As air pollution rises over time across the planet, observable levels of antibiotic resistance do too. Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly significant global health hazard...

Roaring Majesty: Unraveling the Epic Saga of Lions and their Fight...

 In the heart of the African jungles, the mighty ‘Simba’ reigns as the king! Lions have fascinated humans for centuries with their social structure...
Earth’s Gentle Giants at Extinction’s Edge World Elephant Day (August 12)

Earth’s Gentle Giants at Extinction’s Edge World Elephant Day (August 12)

"An elephant never forgets," a famous saying that holds undeniable truth as we uncover about these gentle giants. They exhibit intellectual capability distinguishing them...
Mongabay’s What-to-Watch list for August 2023

Mongabay’s What-to-Watch list for August 2023

Mongabay’s videos on July covered stories about local foods known to local communities are becoming more popular across their countries, how farmers are using...
Researchers detect two of Suriname’s most powerful jaguar trafficking networks

Researchers detect two of Suriname’s most powerful jaguar trafficking networks

The findings of an investigation called “Operation Jaguar” shed light on the connections between the illegal trafficking of jaguar parts and other crimes, like...
Oil palms may be magnet for macaques, boars, at expense of other biodiversity

Oil palms may be magnet for macaques, boars, at expense of...

A new study documents the “hyperabundance” of two generalist mammals around oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia, highlighting the indirect ecological impacts of oil...
Amazon deforestation continues to fall under Lula

Amazon deforestation continues to fall under Lula

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon plunged sharply in July, continuing a downward trend since President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took office at the...
In Philippines, climate change tests Indigenous farming like never before

In Philippines, climate change tests Indigenous farming like never before

In the uplands of the Philippines’ Iloilo province, Indigenous Suludnon farmers maintain deep connections to the agroecosystem that has sustained their community for generations.Agroforestry...
Massive carbon offset deal with Dubai-based firm draws fire in Liberia

Massive carbon offset deal with Dubai-based firm draws fire in Liberia

According to a draft contract seen by Mongabay, Liberia may sign away the rights to nearly 10% of its total land mass to a...
Amazon Summit sparks hope for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

Amazon Summit sparks hope for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

From Aug. 7-9, eight Amazonian nations will meet in Brazil hoping to agree on future joint strategies that will protect the rainforest while sustainably...
Dr Judy Mann, Founder of MPA Day

Celebrating the tenacious women protecting our ocean this Women’s Day!

As the 3rd MPA (Marine Protected Areas) Day celebrations conclude, it’s time to honour the dynamic women who have committed their lives to protect...