
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash and Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrency V/S Stock Market: What All You Need to Know

Cryptocurrency V/S Stock Market: What All You Need to Know

If you have landed on this page today, it means that you are looking to gain some knowledge before deciding whether to invest in...
Fred Razak, Chief Trading Strategist at CMTrading


Johannesburg, November 2022: With crypto markets crumbling around the world, and the recent collapse of major crypto exchange FTX, Fred Razak, Chief Trading Strategist...
Rugby World Cup and Crypto: Two Worlds, Same Principles

Rugby World Cup and Crypto: Two Worlds, Same Principles

What does rugby have to do with cryptocurrency? Well, unless you’re using it to buy tickets to watch the Bokke game or merchandise, the...
Bitcoin's Ascending Channel and Ethereum's Bounce Back

Bitcoin’s Ascending Channel and Ethereum’s Bounce Back

Crypto market capitalisation rose 2.4% in 24 hours to $1.42 trillion, with gains across a vast range of altcoins from +0.4% (BNB) to +15.6%...
Is it time to take a closer look at altcoins?

Is it time to take a closer look at altcoins?

The cryptocurrency market has corrected by 2%, dropping below $2.3 trillion in market capitalisation. Now, this looks like a technical correction, with the biggest...
Ethereum knocking at support’s door

Ethereum knocking at support’s door

Crypto market capitalisation rose 0.8% over the past 24 hours to 2.2 trillion, but growth exceeded 2% for most of the period. However, it...

Richard Branson and Mike Novogratz on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Host Ran Neu-Ner takes his weekly plunge into the world of Crypto Currency trading where he chats to traders, ICOs and gives you, the...
Is 10-Capital as Good as the Broker Claims to Be?

Review: Is 10-Capital as Good as the Broker Claims to Be?

If you want to start your career in trading, you have plenty of options available today. You don’t have to go anywhere. All you...
Stay Updated: What Are the Best Cryptocurrency Resources to Follow?

Stay Updated: What Are the Best Cryptocurrency Resources to Follow?

The crypto market is growing and adapting every single day. It’s one of the most volatile and unpredictable sectors in the world. That’s why...
Useful sites for a cryptocurrency trader

Useful sites for a cryptocurrency trader

A lot of water has flowed from the time when at the beginning of 2020 most modern investors only discovered bitcoin and got acquainted...
Why Should People Consider Bitcoin?

Why Should People Consider Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized system similar to cryptocurrency designed to help online users make some payments and process transactions. It includes the digital units...
Which Cryptocurrency Wallet You Should Use

Which Cryptocurrency Wallet You Should Use

Though cryptocurrency has become much more famous these days, people still don't know much about it. Ask about cryptocurrency and all they will know...