Your Hiring Checklist For PHP Developers To Save The Day

Your Hiring Checklist For PHP Developers To Save The Day
Your Hiring Checklist For PHP Developers To Save The Day

PHP is a popular and widely used web development language in the market today. No matter what the level of the project, PHP remains one of the best choices for development. PHP is a scripting language that helps in full-stack web development.

If you are looking for a PHP developer, you might have quite a daunting task at hand. There are many factors that you need to consider before you hire a developer, such as – experience, technical capability, budget, and so on.

You might be on the lookout for a checklist to help you hire php developers, and this blog will provide clarity to you on the criteria you should follow.

Who is a PHP Developer? What Makes a Developer Good?

A PHP developer is generally any web developer who writes, tests, maintains code for websites and web pages, or any web application using the scripting language PHP.

Being a good developer is not just about writing, testing, and maintaining PHP code. They need to be good at analytics and problem-solving. Another trait of a good developer is being a team player – working with multiples developers in a team to create various applications and even troubleshooting if required.

The developer also needs hands-on experience with various PHP frameworks.

Here is a checklist for finding a good PHP developer:

  • Has good knowledge of PHP language
  • Knows how to deal with MYSQL databases
  • Has a good understanding of HTML/CSS
  • Needs a good understanding of JavaScript
  • Must have good experience with PHP frameworks
  • Must be familiar with CMS such as WordPress, Joomla and more
  • Must know Object-oriented Programming(OOP).

Create a  new hire checklist to find the right PHP developers for your web development project, organization, or company. In this article, you will find all the necessary things that should be included in your hiring checklist.

Checklist for the Hiring Process

State your Requirements

Before you even begin searching for a developer, you need to find the requirements of the role. What are you expecting from a developer? How many years of experience do you want? Any specific skills that are essential for you?

You need to state all of your requirements, so the right developers apply for the job. You may not find the perfect candidate, you may even have to cut down on somethings, but you need to go ahead with what you can find.

You may be better off with hiring a newer developer who is open to new technologies and frameworks, or you may need the best in the market. It also depends on your budget.

Test your New Developer

You can ask your candidates to submit their resume, but it can be quite frustrating to find out after a week that the developer is under-qualified for the job. You can avoid this possibility by testing your candidates.

You can provide them an assignment and make them code it right in front of your eyes or give them a time limit to complete it. You can then analyze their work and ask them doubts about it as well.

You may even be able to analyze their problem-solving skills as well as their experience as a developer. You can also give them a real-life problem statement and ask them how they would solve it. Some candidates do tend to fake their resumes for a job, and you’d want to avoid such people from being hired in your company.


Every company has its own culture and overall personality. No matter how skilled the developer might be, sometimes they may not just suit the work culture of your company. If they do not get along with your team, it can lead to huge difficulties.

When it comes to hiring a new developer, it’s not all about how well they do their job. You can decide a couple of personality traits that you are looking for in a developer and search for developers that possess them.

Communication is critical for a successful team so that you can look out for the communication skills of your candidates. It could be as simple as analyzing their responses, body language, eye contact, and more.

You need to build a diverse team with different personalities and backgrounds for it to be successful. You do not want a team of 10 similar people who only have a redundant vision.

Ask the right questions

There might be a bunch of repetitive and cliche questions that any employer asks their candidates, and you need to avoid them. Your candidates might have already prepared for such questions, and it may not help your interview process.

Instead, you can come up with your questionnaire, where it directly tests the knowledge of the developer. You may even learn about their problem-solving and technical capabilities.

Follow Your Instincts

As an employer, you need to find the right candidate for the job. For this, you need to conduct a face to face interview or at least a video conference.

During the in-person interview, you can analyze the way they interact with you, how they answer the questions, whether they have all the correct information, or if they maintain eye contact and answer confidently.

Check the References

You can double-check with the references that the candidates provide to find out more about the candidate. This is a necessary step in the hiring process.

You may find out quite a lot about the candidate, and this can help you make an informed decision. You can also find out about their work ethics and performance and even more details about the resume.

Choose Your PHP Developers Carefully!

With so many options for hiring a developer, it is not an easy task. There are many platforms that you can sign up as an employer and look at multiple candidate profiles and resumes to find the right addition to your team.

Make sure your new candidate checks off almost all the vital boxes on your checklist. A good developer is a valuable investment for your company, and you should do proper research and conduct multiple interviews and only select the best for the job.