Virtual business malls The latest method to conduct business in SA

Virtual business malls The latest method to conduct business in SA
Virtual business malls The latest method to conduct business in SA. Image source: Pixabay

Entrepreneurship is the future and the way to grow our nation. As Parliament looks to include the subject of entrepreneurship into its educational curriculum, it’s an issue that is being debated.

What is the current situation in small business business? While a lot has changed over the last few decades but some basic principles have remained the same.

You hire accountants, web designer, marketer and a compliance specialist You pay each of them individually since they each work on their own. What if there was an easier way to conduct business?

Imagine being able to pay one invoice instead of five. Imagine if you could have one team instead? Sounds like a good deal?

It seemed impossible until it was the time that Digital Business Agency was launched in South Africa. Now, businesses can work with one agency that has a team of experts from various disciplines.

Three professionals recognized the need to collaborate and formed the agency.

They all had success However, they all recognized the need to provide better service to small businesses.

Dean Van Der Byl, CEO and co-founder of the Digital Business Agency, spoke of his expectations for the agency to transform the way in which South Africans do business: “South Africa, and the entire world as a whole are in the midst of radical change, with particular emphasis on the world of business. The first victim is the small-scale businessperson due to various reasons, but most importantly, the capability to change as efficiently, effectively and speedily as possible. Without the assistance needed and infrastructure, they’ll be unable to succeed.”

“The Digital Business Agency aims to be at the top in providing small-scale business owners with the necessary knowledge and skills to make this change and grow into large businesses.

What is the Digital Business Agency do for companies?

To address the needs of micro-entrepreneurs in South Africa The agency has reinvented the business environment.

The agency is launching the virtual business mall that will allow businesses to host their own mini-site on the mall for as little as R100 per month.

This is a fantastic opportunity to help local entrepreneurs grow their online presence and expand their business organically and cost-effective way.

The growth of South Africa through entrepreneurship is a highly discussed topic and the Digital Business Agency could aid in this by enabling small-scale businesses to reach larger customers through the virtual business mall and through the various online business solutions that it provides.