Sourabh Chandrakar Vehemently Deny Accusation in the Mahadev App Scam

Sourabh Chandrakar Vehemently Deny Accusation in the Mahadev App Scam
Sourabh Chandrakar Vehemently Deny Accusation in the Mahadev App Scam

Delhi, India — Mr. Sourabh Chandrakar, who have recently faced grave accusations related to the Mahadev Application, strongly assert that he has no involvement whatsoever in the alleged financial fraud scheme. He deeply regrets being wrongly implicated and depicted as the orchestrator behind this operation.

He firmly state that these allegations lack any foundation and are an effort to smear the good standing of an upstanding citizens. He emphasizes that enjoying a comfortable lifestyle should not be misconstrued as evidence of his engagement in unlawful activities.

The individuals urge all media outlets to consider these facts, rectify the prevailing narrative, and direct resources towards the actual wrongdoers. He is committed to offering his complete cooperation to the authorities to ensure justice is served and the truth prevails untarnished.

He urges a fair and unbiased investigation into the matter, emphasizing his commitment to cooperating fully to bring the actual perpetrators to justice.