How to Achieve Work-Life Balance As South Africa Tops List of Workaholic Nations

How to Achieve Work-Life Balance As South Africa Tops List of Workaholic Nations
How to Achieve Work-Life Balance As South Africa Tops List of Workaholic Nations

With a staggering 12% of the global workforce grappling with workaholism, the recruitment experts at Armstrong Appointments have conducted a study looking into the world’s most workaholic countries. Their findings reveal that South Africa and Chile top the list, clocking in at an average of 9.5 hours per day at work. This is significantly higher than the global average of 8.2 hours per day. India, Argentina, and South Korea also make the list.

On the other end of the scale, professionals in Norway seem to prioritize work-life balance, dedicating an average of 7.4 hours per day to work. This disparity in work hours between countries signifies a diverse approach to work culture and emphasizes the varying values placed on leisure time.

Top 10 Most ‘Workaholic’ Countries

  1. South Africa: 9.5 hours per day

  2. Chile: 9.5 hours per day

  3. India: 9.4 hours per day

  4. Argentina: 9.3 hours per day

  5. South Korea: 9.3 hours per day

  6. China: 9.2 hours per day

  7. Singapore: 9.2 hours per day

  8. Turkey: 9.1 hours per day

  9. Indonesia: 9 hours per day

  10. Brazil: 8.9 hours per day

Sharon Armstrong, CEO of Armstrong Appointments, offers valuable tips on how people can break away from work addiction.

“Many of us have found ourselves staying an extra hour at the office or feeling the urge to open our work laptops on the weekend. The pandemic ushered in the era of remote work, resulting in a surge of cases of work addictions and individuals struggling to disconnect from their professional responsibilities.

Working excessively can take a toll on your physical health, with workaholics often experiencing higher levels of stress. This can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and poor sleep. Prolonged stress from overworking can contribute to cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension (elevated blood pressure), and an increased risk of heart disease. A recent study found that those who work excessively are 60% more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke. This shocking statistic could be dramatically reduced with the right measures.

Equally, mental health can be impacted by overworking and is a major contributor to burnout. This heightened risk can result in both anxiety and depression, with workaholics being twice as likely to experience depression.

  • Self-awareness is the key to combating workaholism. Setting clear boundaries between work hours and personal time, along with turning off work-related devices outside of work hours is important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  • Finding hobbies and interests outside of work, and incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can help restore balance in your life, while also effectively mitigating stress.

  • Seeking professional help can help you address the root causes of workaholism and develop healthier coping methods.”