All You Need to Know About Warehouse Mezzanine Floors

All You Need to Know About Warehouse Mezzanine Floors
All You Need to Know About Warehouse Mezzanine Floors. Image source: Pixabay

Mezzanine is derived from the Italian term mezzano to mean “middle.” A mezzanine floor, therefore, means “a floor in the middle.” Most people refer to it as the floor above the ground floor in a building. But when it comes to warehouses, the term mezzanine floor refers to the free-standing structure between the roof and the floor and is used to increase the storage space inside a warehouse.


Mezzanine floors are of different types, and they all vary depending on the size, design, material application. If you want to find the one that is best suited for your needs, here is everything you need to know.


  • What are my options?

There are several types of warehouse mezzanine systems available for you to choose from, depending on the intended purpose. These are


  1. Structural Mezzanines

Also known as steel or free-standing mezzanines, structural mezzanines are the most common type of warehouse mezzanine floors. Their design allows maximum utilization of the space above and below the mezzanine and easy movement inside the warehouse. The system is also;


  • Affordable
  • Customizable
  • Easy to assemble
  • Easy to disassemble


  1. Catwalk Mezzanines

Also known as rack-supported mezzanines, catwalk mezzanines are a perfect alternative to steel mezzanines. They are mainly used to store small auto parts, archived products, tools and sample products, etc. They are also so much easier and cheaper to install in comparison to the structural mezzanines.


  1. Shelving-supported Mezzanines

As the name suggests, shelving-supported mezzanines are floors with shelving support under them. Their design allows easy access to the shelves from all the sides and to use the space on top as a working area, office, shelving, or racking. They are mainly used to store


  • Spare parts
  • Conference rooms
  • Modular offices
  • Auto parts etc.


  1. Integrated Mezzanines

Integrated mezzanine floors are a feature of the warehouse. Their design contributes to the overall structure and is part of the original plan of the warehouse. Apart from that, integrated mezzanine systems have concrete floors making them the most powerful of them all. They are the ideal option if you are dealing with weighty loads.


  • What Factors Should I Consider Before Installing a Warehouse Mezzanine Floor?

Before installing a mezzanine floor in your warehouse, there are several things you must put into consideration. Stor’d storage is the most important one. Other factors include;


  • Intended use
  • Strength of the structure
  • Your capacity needs
  • Adhering to the building codes
  • Relevant building permits
  • Your budget
  • The flooring materials
  • The design and so on


  • What are Flooring Material Options Available?

Warehouse mezzanine floors are of different types of materials. Steel is the most common material of all. The other two popular materials include concrete and wood. The ideal flooring material will depend on the indeed purpose of the warehouse mezzanine floor.


  • Why Use Mezzanine Floors in Your Warehouse?

There are several reasons why you should consider installing a mezzanine system in your warehouse. These are;


  1. To Maximize Your Storage Space

Space management is a major challenge facing warehouse owners and managers, most especially when their storage needs exceed the estimated holding capacity of their facility. At this point, you have to find a way to increase your storage capacity to cater to all your needs. Installing a warehouse mezzanine floor allows you to maximize the space you already have before you can proceed to other solutions like relocating, which are costly and time-consuming.


  1. To Lower Your Storage Costs

Storage costs money. The more space you use, the more expensive it will be. You must make excellent use of the space you have to avoid incurring unnecessary costs. Installing a mezzanine floor will ensure that your storage space does not go to waste and also help you save both your time and money.


  1. To Ensure Warehouse Safety

Working in a warehouse is risky. With all the loads, equipment, people, plus the activities involved, accidents can happen anytime. Although some of these accidents are hard to eliminate, you can reduce the frequency in which they occur by creating a safe working environment inside your warehouse. That means ensuring that you have enough room to store your items and allow safe movement within your facility.


The main purpose of a mezzanine floor is to increase the storage space inside a warehouse. By installing one, you will be able to create more working space and also store your loads in the right way to ensure safety. And as a bonus, you will also be able to monitor the activities inside the warehouse to identify potential dangers and ultimately avoid them before they happen.


Mezzanine floors are the ideal option to ensure a safe working environment for you and your employees.


Wrapping Up

Because it’s impossible to predict the future, warehouse owners can only estimate the holding capacity up to a point. That’s why sooner or later, most of them will find themselves with space management issues. Warehouse mezzanine floors are there to ensure that you do not pay a high price for your unpredictable but increasing storage needs.