Top Ways to Sustainably Develop a Third World Country

Top Ways to Sustainably Develop a Third World Country
Top Ways to Sustainably Develop a Third World Country

Developing a country to the point in which its economy becomes sustainable is not an easy feat. It takes teams of people and the right citizens to make important changes happen. There are more developed countries now than there were 100 years ago and this is due to a variety of profound initiatives and strategies by the people who can implement the most positive transformations.

There are, however, still thousands of third-world countries that are in need of improved healthcare, education, and agricultural resources. None of these methods produce results overnight, but they are the stepping stones to building a successful and sustainable future for any underdeveloped economy.

Contain Population Size

Most developing countries are still underdeveloped because of their population size. China has only risen to be one of the top countries in the world because they implemented the one child per couple policy. The more people there are in a country, the more resources are utilized and the greater the pressure placed on the environment.

In order to build a country into a developed state, there will need to be sufficient resources available to handle the economic, financial, and physical load of its citizens. Containing or, at the very least, slowing down a growing population is a vital step to reach economic freedom and success. With a smaller population size, there is more land available, cheaper healthcare services, and quality of life for all citizens.

Empower the Right Demographic

In this case, most developing countries have a greater ratio of women to men. Most of the available jobs require laborious work managed only by men. Farming, fishing, and mining are sectors dominated by men, and it is a social norm that needs to change. Women make up almost 50% of the population of the Congo for example, not including children. This is a substantial number when we realize that it’s only one income per household. Women need to be empowered to take up employment and gain academic knowledge for themselves. Some developing countries have already incorporated this. Initiatives like asili focus on providing opportunities for women to own businesses in the DRC.

Clean Up and Reform

Everything from water and sanitation to electricity and education needs to be reformed. These factors are some of the greatest impactors of keeping a country underdeveloped. When there is no clean water, people get sick. With a lack of education, people don’t understand the dangers of different diseases or being hygienic at all times. Without proper electricity, the infrastructure cannot develop to become sustainable.

The key is to look at the basic human necessities of life. Things like access to food, water, shelter, and education are just the fundamental aspects that every person has the right to. Next, comes access to equal opportunities and a fair constitution. It sounds complicated looking at the overall picture, yet these are just the bare minimum resources that a country needs to develop sustainably.

Developing a growing country is vital to ensure its survival in the centuries to come. These methods are just the basics of what every third-world country needs to adopt to gain independence and create an economically-stable environment.