Why WHITES should leave South Africa – Video

Why WHITES should leave South Africa – Video
65-Year-old woman attacked on a farm in Ladybrand

Why should white South Africans leave the country? There is the factual evidence of a slow genocide against the minority. In the video, there are numerous stories of murder, rape, and torture. It is a genocide endorsed by a racial government.

The white minority group has been victims of the worst crimes for far too long, and there is no end in sight. There is no end to the humiliation that the minority are suffering. With over 119 laws implemented to stop whites from working creates poverty and forces family to depend on white squatter camps for survival. The Black Economic Empowerment laws discriminate against the minority.

Farm murders escalate, people are killed in the most horrific manner. 86-year-old women brutally assaulted and killed. A Catholic sister raped and strangled and a motorist shot dead. House robberies and continued harassment by thieves committing crimes against white people.

Education is a disaster, and the Afrikaans language is being phased out, to be replaced by other cultural languages. Schools do not have textbooks and teachers are incompetent. Bullying at schools and traumatizing children are continually happening. Homeschooling is now considered the safest method to educate children. Erasing the history of the minority and rewriting history for the majority.

Political parties continue to endorse hate speech against the minority. Julius Malema said the days of white people are numbered. Racial discrimination is on the rise, and nobody says a word. Corruption and crime are the new way of life in South Africa; government continues to mislead the people. Poverty is increasing, causing crime to escalate and become uncontrollable.

There is extreme torment and disappointment in humanity. Why are black people mean and evil, is this unfathomable or is savage behavior normal. Killing people in horrifying ways and boasting about targets. Never stopping to end the suffering, but rejoicing when harm is thrust against a white person. It is wrong to kill the white people of South Africa; they are citizens of this country.
(Fast moving video – Click bottom-left corner to pause & read)

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