Jan Van Riebeeck is the cause of all the ANC problems VIDEO

Jan Van Riebeeck is the cause of all the ANC problems VIDEO
Jan Van Riebeeck is the cause of all the ANC problems VIDEO

Now the world will see why South Africa is doomed. A video where an African National Congress (ANC) MP said Jan Van Riebeeck a thief who stole the land, arrived in South Africa 2000 years ago. The MP claimed Van Riebeeck was nothing more than an unwelcome visitor who overstayed his welcome and stole the dignity of the people.

The MP said it would be a story to tell the children, of how an unwelcome visitor came to South Africa and took advantage of the kind people living in the land. When a point of order was raised that the MP was misleading the House by giving the incorrect year of Van Riebeeck’s arrival, she said: “or whatever year.” The speech is nothing more than a blame game as the ANC have no good stories to tell. However much the ruling party tries to maintain that there is control, and the only party that can lead South Africa into a glorious future, the more they stumble.
When members of parliament, try to state historical facts during a speech, they should at least get the actualities correct. Van Riebeeck arrived in April 1652, and the MP probably does not know the historical facts.

It is not the first time that ANC members have made stupid blundering mistakes, the President Jacob Zuma once said, that Africa is the biggest continent. The ANC have failed to lead South Africa into a first world country. There is no doubt that the party is on the fast track to claim victory in the upcoming municipal elections and will deceive the ignorant voters. The ANC will do what it has been doing best for the past 22 years, continue to mislead the people.

The ANC are adamant that the minority are nothing more than unwelcome guests who are no longer welcome. There is a clear indication that harassment continues, in the form of lowering education standards, implementing laws to oust whites and keep the majority uneducated. South Africa under the leadership of the ANC is doomed to become another failed state.

South Africa Today – South Africa News