In this video Lauren Southern does a Q&A on line with regard her documentary on South Africa called ‘Farmlands’ this is the second video in this regard. This live chat shows the amount of interest and coverage Lauren is getting with regard the farm attacks, farm murders and diabolical situation in South Africa in general. South African governments racist policies, BEE and affirmative action along with corruption, lack of infrastructure planning ability and incompetent people in key positions is all contributing to the catastrophe that is South Africa. Governments mass looting of state funds, proposed land grabs and no justice is creating another failed state.

Of course the black population is also suffering under this incompetence along with all the poor. Lauren receives a lot of information from affected South Africans, including undisputable video evidence and is doing her best to help share the crisis. Facts are facts and she has them. Why the ANC government continues to play this down is only a sign of there compicity in the situation.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media