In this video by ‘i24NEWS’ we see a report that a former Israel special forces commando uses his anti terrorism skills to train white South African farmers to defend themselves against violent gangs and turn the tables on their attackers. Paul Tilsley discusses his report with Michelle Makori. The planned theft of white owned land has seen a massive increase in farm attacks and farm murders. The government is doing nothing about these attacks and police are unable or unwilling to assist. The farmers are not only going to fight back but plan to turn the tables on these planned attacks.

This is a case of survival as the ANC and the EFF openly call for killing of whites and particularly white farmers. The planned theft of land that never belonged to any blacks in the first place is seen as an call to war by many. The violent nature of the attacks which are often accompanied by torture, rape and murder are out of control as the EFF drives the masses to a civil war.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media