In this video by ‘France 24’ from 2010 we see a report on the farm attacks and farm murders in South Africa. And the situation eight years later has deteriorated substantially. An epidemic that is not acknowledged by the government. Both then and now the government continues to deny these atrocities. A respected man, David Green who has nothing of the ‘white racist farmer’ stereotype was brutally murdered and they cover his story. The national statistics show at the time that two farmers are murdered every week in South Africa. The police say “it’s not about politics or racism, criminals simply attack the easiest targets, the old and most isolated”.

Farm workers are also targets of criminals and both workers and farm owners are at risk. And with the escalating violence more farmers are leaving the country and there is a huge downward turn in agricultural production which is detrimental to the economy but yet not addressed by government.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media