In this video, which is just 11 minutes from an hour long teaching called “JUSTICE 2″” How the Bible Solves INJUSTICE”by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti . He confronts the injustice and violence committed against South African white farmers and questions whether the Church is to share a part of the blame for its failure to prepare people properly for the ‘End Times’. What is the church to do? Have we preached an incomplete message, a gospel of grace without the Gospel of the Kingdom?

JESUS came to transform this planet, therefore we are supposed to make this world a better place. JESUS is the just King of this Kingdom, therefore we are called to be ministers of justice in a broken world. “JUSTICE to many people in this world IS GOOD NEWS!” says Pastor Steve. This glimmer of truth in a dark world is made possible by your generous support of and purchases at Discover Ministries.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media