K9 Odi locates accident victim in Durban

Late last night Medi Response responded to the N2 near Nandi drive for reports of an accident.

On arrival of paramedics, it was established that a bakkie had rear-ended a stationary truck.

The driver of the bakkie sustained moderate injuries and was assessed by paramedics.

The man refused care and transport to the hospital and signed a waiver for treatment.

A short while later the man was noticed to have disappeared from the scene and the Medi Response search and rescue unit was called to attempt to locate the missing man.

K9 Odi was given a scent from the steel railing where the man was last seated and he walked spoor down the embankment to locate the man who had fallen down said embankment, landing in dense bush.

The man was stabilised by paramedics and transported to the hospital.

K9 Odi locates accident victim in Durban https://t.co/Fws1moGnFx#ArriveAlive @Medi_Response pic.twitter.com/Qq74WYErjz— Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) November 17, 2022…

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