How to Drive Safely in Heavy Traffic

How to Drive Safely in Heavy Traffic

Many South African commuters experience heavy traffic daily. Driving in such traffic safely requires a good attitude and much patience.1 Read further to learn how to drive safely in heavy traffic.

Preparing to drive in heavy traffic

Before embarking on your journey, make sure you intend to drive defensively and have a good attitude. It’s best to be rested because such driving demands heightened attention and focus. Check on your route app which way is the best to navigate and aim to travel before or after a traffic wave. Similarly, avoid peak holiday travel times by leaving earlier or later. Regular stopping and sharing driving responsibility will help to prevent falling asleep at the wheel. 1

Defensive driving is essential

Defensive driving means ‘preventative’ driving and avoiding any form of aggression. Staying alert will enable you to spot any danger lying ahead, such as cars speeding or weaving in and out of traffic. Smooth braking can prevent vehicles…

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