Does your phone make you a killer?

Does your phone make you a killer?

In a world governed by constant connectivity, it is no surprise driving while distracted (DWD) is one of the most prevalent threats and rapidly growing concerns in road safety. Awareness of the potentially catastrophic consequences associated with checking a message has never been as important to share as its occurrence surges.

A prominent insurer estimates as many as 60% of crashes amongst their clients result from DWD. The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, expands on this: “The same statistic can be applied to the wider population and perhaps be even higher. It is difficult to prove someone was using their phone before a crash without specialised software to assist.

“Thus, if you are guilty of using your phone and driving while knowing that 60% of crashes could be as a result of DWD, MasterDrive compiled statistics that should change the mind of anyone who persists in this dangerous driving behaviour,” says Herbert.

Facts about distracted driving


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