In this video by ‘The New American Video’ we see an interview done by Correspondent Alex Newman with author Dr. Harry Booyens about the injustices happening in South Africa. On June 21 to 23, 2018, the 2018 Red Pill Expo was held in Spokane, Washington by Freedom Force International. They discuss his book ‘AmaBhulu’ – ‘The Birth and Death of the Second America’. The book is a detailed history of South Africa and the crisis around the planned theft of white land, farm attacks and farm murders. The detailed facts uncover Ramaphosa’s lies that the land was stolen.

Dr. Harry Booyens explains the facts around ‘fake news’ that the blacks were in South Africa first and owned the land. The ANC government has incited the uneducated masses. And Booyens calls for America to see the light with regard the atrocities in the country and the calls by black leaders for the killing whites.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media