In this video by Kenn Daily he looks at an interesting phenomenon where according to him and a recent survey by ‘Pew Research Centre,’ that two thirds of black africans wish to move to the USA and other Western nations. That is two thirds of a 1.1 billion population of sub saharan africa. He states that this is confusing considering that most black people don’t like whites and refer to them as racist, even although the majority of aid and assistance comes from whites and in most cases is to help blacks. The more recent population explosion in sub saharan africa is directly as a result of white western technology, health care and food supply.

He also says that he understands then why blacks want to get out of Africa and be near the whites. But when they arrive in these countries they continue to refer to whites as racist, even although they have been allowed in and are getting fed and in many cases living off the state.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media