In this video by ‘Theresa’ we see the Zolna report showing how a date has been set by the South African government to take white peoples land from them. An EFF politician gloated “Your time is up white people.” With the ANC voting to change section 25 of the constitution to legalise this theft of land. The deadline has been set at 31 March 2019. FF Plus reacted by saying “when the blood flows it will be on your hands”.

This expropriation without compensation will utterly destroy the farming sector and the economy as was the case in Zimbabwe. Without the farmers everyone will simply starve to death.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media

BLF calls for slaughtering of whites, including women and children

‘Land must be taken from whites’, Malema incites war, East London

Malema: ‘Afrikaner boys we are coming for you’