In this video by ‘Renaldo Gouws’ wee see an interview with Jack Miller, the leader of the Cape Party. The Cape Party stands for greater economic and political independence for the Cape. Miller says, “we are being robbed economically. We are being racially and culturally oppressed. It is our choice! We can end this and build a prosperous country!” “If the ANC controlled South African government will not negotiate with us to stop its policy of persecution against the Cape and its people, then we will be forced to pursue our only option.”. The informative video explained some interesting facts.

“Through legal and peaceful means we will strive towards a democratic referendum in which we, the people of the Cape, may decide our own future and destiny as an independent state… The Cape Republic. 70% of the Western Cape is discriminated against by government.”

View more information on the Cape Party here

South Africa Today – South Africa Media