In this video by ‘Palaestra Media’ Jonas Nilsson interviews the famous Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr on his route to becoming Right. In an interesting interview Steve gives his background and his thoughts on how South Africa has changed and become a communist state. The fight in the country against communism lasted for years but the now ANC government and the EFF is deeply rooted in and is forcing this culture and socialism on South Africans. The ANC racist policies of discrimination against whites was a turning point for him. Most of the ANC talk is lies and the destruction of a prosperous Nation at their hands, like through the rest of sub saharan Africa, is par for the course with regard black rule.

South Africa was the industrial, financial power house and bread basket of Africa. The now faltering economy and destruction at every level of society is NOT democracy. South Africa is not a democracy. The black presidents of past and other black leaders sing the “bring my machine gun” song and “kill the boer” which create racial hatred yet nothing is done as the country falls apart.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media