In this video by ‘Loving Life’ we see how South Africa continues to go ‘down the drain’ under the corrupt ANC government, who under the proposed new NHI, also want bone throwing, body part dealing – traditional healers to be just as recognized at professional doctors. And along with the daft regulations prohibiting alcohol and cigarette sales, so that the ANC can take control of these industries. And the multitude of disgraceful actions by the ANC that are widely reported on, as the country reverts back to it’s dark and evil past leaves one wondering if there is any hope left?

The South African Liquor Brand owners Association (Salba), the Beer Association of South Africa, Vinpro, and the Liquor Traders Association of South Africa have warned that restricting legal alcohol sales will lead to the growth of illicit alcohol trade.

Heineken South Africa has now stopped a R6 billion project.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media