User discretion for language in this Video by ‘The Kaaplander’ who discusses expropriation without compensation and asks will this be the final nail in the coffin? In no uncertain terms, undeniable plain and simple facts are pointed out regarding this. “White people did not steal any land, so what are the black lying leaders on about”? At last someone calls a spade a spade and puts everyone who supports this land theft in there place. “The leaching, stealing, plundering blacks can not create any wealth and only specialise in stealing it, whilst blaming everyone else for shortcomings and failure.This proposed theft will collapse the economy overnight.”

The government is also using the expropriation as a smoke screen whilst they continue to plunder state coffers, destroy the economy, unravel the education and health system and loot the country. Anything that is functional is destroyed by the black ANC government who are stirring up hatred and violence against whites in South Africa.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media