In this video by AfriForum, Ernst Roets looks at the two camps debating the issues regarding land ownership in South Africa. One camp relies on facts and history and the other relies on political racial propaganda. He discusses his book on farm attacks and farm murders and the ANC government’s complicity in this and how the two issues overlap. AfriForum is making a drive with the intention of educating the international community on the facts relating to this. The dishonest ANC government intends to take the land for themselves and no blacks will own the land. The ANC drive for international investment in South Africa is in fact thus pointless.

Ernst lays out the facts and exposes the corrupt ANC government, their lies and communist agenda. Facts are facts and the video explains in detail how land was obtained and how the legal ownership has been created. The president, Ramaphosa simply ignores the facts and spews lies to the masses.

South Africa Today – South Africa Media