Take extra caution and do not drive distracted in the parking lot!

Take extra caution and do not drive distracted in the parking lot!

If asked what the top three locations of car accidents are, it is unlikely parking lots would be quoted by many. Yet, it is one of the most common places for collisions. According to statistics from the National Safety Council in the USA, there are over 50 000 accidents in parking lots each year accounting for approximately 20% of all car crashes.

What may be even more surprising than those statistics is that there are as many as 500 deaths due to parking lot collisions yearly. The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, expands: “While South Africa’s stats are limited, it is safe to assume that parking lots here are just as ideal locations for collisions with other vehicles, people and stationary objects.

“Unfortunately, drivers in parking lots do not give the same respect to road signs and markings that they do on other roads. Additionally, distraction amongst both drivers and pedestrians is more prevalent. Lastly, as drivers have just reached their destination, their…

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